Merry, Merry Christmas!

Merry_Merry_Christmas.jpgTrue joy is the light of the soul; and the true light is the one that comes from the splendor of truth.

Truth is the Wisdom of God, the Word that “came down from heaven by the power of the Holy Spirit, was born of the Virgin Mary, and became man” (Nicene Creed).

Whose light shone to us from a simple manger.

A newborn baby boy is lulled to sleep in the arms of the Mother of mothers, the Virgin of virgins.

His name is sweeter than honey but so powerful it drives away all devils. It is a name “above every name”: Jesus.

A name so full of grandeur that when pronounced, “every knee should bend, of those in heaven and on earth and under the earth.” (Philippians 2:9-10).

And “the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” (John 1:4).

Once again the world is enveloped in darkness. Men have closed their eyes to the light and, deprived of the splendor of truth, have lost true joy.

But to “men of good will” (Luke, 2:14) light still shines in the darkness.

Good will is an upright intention, a mind open to the truth and a heart prone to affection toward the One Who is “Light from Light, true God from true God” (Nicene Creed).

And since it is Christmas, as we celebrate the light that came to this world, let us rejoice in the joy of our souls.

In spite of the darkness of neopaganism, the light continues to shine; and so does joy. Merry Christmas!

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