The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) is taking its Church Shall Prevail campaign far and wide. On April 4, TFP friends and supporters in Topeka, Kans. attended a presentation on the book, I Have Weathered Other Storms. Local TFP supporter Francis Slobodnik organized the lively event.
Mr. Byron Whitcraft, coordinator of the TFPâs Fatima home visits program delivered the talk which was an overview of this exciting new book and its objectives. In light of the scandals, he particularly focused on the TFP bookâs response to a crisis of Faith and those who proposing changes in Church structures.
The evening ended with a note of encouragement and an invitation to all to unite in defense of the Church. Mr. Whitcraft noted how the book I Have Weathered Other Storms has given hope, doctrine and arguments to those shaken in their faith in face of the current crisis.
In another event promoting the same book, speaker John Horvat delivered a talk at the Faithful and True Catholic bookstore in Front Royal, Virginia. The April 6 presentation was well received.