Georgetown University Invites Satanists to “Enlighten” Catholic Students

Georgetown University Invites Satanists to “Enlighten” Catholic Students
Faithful Catholics are outraged with the news that the leaders of the Satanic Temple, Lucien Greaves and Malcolm Jarry, will be speaking at Georgetown University.

Why is the oldest Catholic university in America giving Satanists who attack the Catholic Church with sacrilegious Black Masses a speaking platform?

Faithful Catholics are outraged with the news that the leaders of The Satanic Temple, Lucien Greaves and Malcolm Jarry, were permitted to speak at Georgetown University on October 16, 2023.

The scandalous event is sponsored by the Georgetown University Lecture Fund, a student-run organization founded to foster “dialogue” and bring speakers to campus to “enlighten” and “educate.”

Titled “Atheism and Activism,” the Lecture Fund announced the talk on Instagram on October 12. “Join us for a dialogue moderated by Professor Berlinerblau with the Executive Ministry of The Satanic Temple regarding the organization’s past and on-going activism,” the post reads.

Georgetown student Brigid Higgins responded to the post, saying, “The founders of the satanic temple have openly declared themselves enemies of my Faith since their founding, [they] consider the killing of pre-born infants a sacred moral good, and have a long history of openly supporting the desecration of the Eucharist.”

Georgetown graduate Mike Periu added: “This isn’t about free speech; this is about the lack of any sound reason or logic. A Catholic institution inviting a Satanist to speak? For the blinded, woke youth of the campus, not all opinions and perspectives have value and certainly they don’t have equal value. Satanism has no place on a Catholic University. It is disgusting to see how this school is being run.”

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The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) vehemently opposes Georgetown’s decision to host the leaders of the Satanic Temple, especially given the fact that the group is notorious for:

  1. Attacking the Catholic Church with satanic Black Masses (which typically involves the desecration of a Consecrated Host stolen from a Catholic Mass). Every Black Mass is a direct sin of hatred against God.
  2. Promoting After School Satan Clubs for children.
  3. Staging a homo-erotic desecration of cemetery graves, and promoting unnatural vice and same-sex “marriage.”
  4. Providing “religious telehealth medication abortion care” as part of a satanic “abortion ritual.”

Despite its longstanding Catholic identity, Georgetown has not canceled the anti-Catholic event but granted the Satanist speakers a platform on campus at the Healey Family Student Center on October 16, 2023.

Faithful Catholics should use every peaceful and legal means to protest and make reparation to God for this outrageous development that undermines the Faith.

Contact Georgetown University with your concern (please be firm yet polite):

John J. DeGioia
President, Georgetown University
Office of the President
204 Healy Hall
37th & “O” Streets, NW
Washington, DC 20057-1789
Tel: (202) 687-4134
Fax: (202) 687-6660
Email of Chief of Staff, Joseph Ferrara: [email protected]

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