It Takes an Organic Christian Society

It Takes an Organic Christian Society 2

For a better notion of what we mean by organic society, let’s put it this way: Hillary Clinton wrote a book called It Takes a Village, which develops the idea that it takes a whole village to raise a child. We would certainly disagree with her because she interpreted “village” to mean … Read more

Why Return to Order?

Why Return to Order? 6

Interview with John Horvat II, Author of Return to Order John Horvat II is a scholar, researcher, educator, international speaker, author and regular contributor to Crusade Magazine. His writings have appeared worldwide in numerous publications and websites. For more than two decades, he has been researching and writing about the socio-economic crisis … Read more

Equality’s Next Victims: Transgendering Our Children

Equality’s Next Victims: Transgendering Our Children 2

“We Can Do Wonders If We Get Them Early.” —  Dr. Norman Spack, director of Gender Management Service at Boston Children’s Hospital After decades of relentless activism, propaganda, and indoctrination, the general public associates homosexuality not with the lewd scenes of a 1970s drag march, but the Hollywood image of a mild-mannered, … Read more

The Problem of Hollow Elites

The Problem of Hollow Elites 2

There are those who normally play a leadership role in society by representing the community. Such representative characters are those leaders who perceive the ideals, principles, and qualities that are desired and admired by a community or nation, and translate them into concrete programs of life and culture. Their importance cannot be … Read more

How to Create Monsters

How to Create Monsters 2

Imagine if police in a major city were to uncover a plot in which a serial killer was found to be planning to use the Internet to unleash a cult of followers who would also engage in serial killings. Imagine further, if police found as evidence an ice pick impaling a woman’s … Read more

Where Has the Music Gone?

Where Has the Music Gone? 2

A very tragic aspect of modern life is the decline of music as a popular art form. We are not saying that there is a lack of music. There is certainly plenty of music in all of its many forms, whether it be classical, country or rock. We are not referring to … Read more

What Suits Can Teach Us About Markets

What Suits Can Teach Us About Markets 2

In the book, Return to Order, there is a chapter on standardization and how it favors the advance of frenetic intemperance in economy. Standardized goods, we claim, lead to the standardized masses. It destroys the human element that gives warmth, life and meaning to economy. In theory, such affirmations are detached and … Read more

NEETs, A Youth Without Future

NEETs, A Youth Without Future 3

NEET is a term coined by the United Kingdom government that describes youth between the ages 16 through 24 who are “Not in Education, Employment, or Training.” It refers to 19 million young people throughout the seventeen-country Eurozone. This sad statistic is only a segment of the total unemployed. Failing economies and … Read more

UPS Bullies Boy Scouts

UPS Bullies Boy Scouts 2

Shipping giant United Parcel Service (UPS) recently went limp and failed to flex its financial muscle in the Cultural War by giving in to demands of the homosexual lobby and cutting funding to the Boy Scouts of America (BSA). Under the pretext of “anti-discrimination,” UPS has discriminated against the honorable policy maintained … Read more

While Supplies Last

While Supplies Last 2

The biggest shopping day of the year, known as “Black Friday,” has now invaded the most family-centered holiday. The electrifying shop-till-you-drop excursion formerly began in the wee hours of the morning after Thanksgiving. It eventually crept up to midnight of the same day and this year stores such as Walmart, Target, and … Read more