Catholics Launch A Wave Of Protests

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Catholics are encouraged to send an instant e-protest message to the Chance Center in Anaheim, California – because they’re showing the Southern California premiere of Jerry Springer: The Opera, which is full of profanity, nudity and blasphemous content. Some examples are:

1.The crucifixion is mocked and the Eucharist is trashed.

2.There is a lady singing “Jerry eleison.” (mocking the Mass: Kyrie Eleison)

3.Jesus is introduced as “the hypocrite son of the fascist tyrant on high.” He wears a diaper, is fat and effeminate and later admits: “Actually, I am a bit gay.”

4.Eve gropes Jesus in a manner too indecent to describe while the Annunciation is described as a rape.

5.God is a fat man in a white suit who complains about being blamed for everyone’s problems.  He invites Jerry

6.Springer to join Him to “sit in Heaven beside me, hold my hand and guide me.”  At the end, Jerry emerges as the true savior of mankind.

The “opera” has earned its blasphemous reputation. In London, the debut was the subject of a libel suit for defaming Christians. When it was to be aired on the BBC, it drew more than 60,000 complaints.

As Catholics, you and I cannot accept such insults to Our Lord and the Catholic Faith! That’s why I ask you to please send a protest message via email to the Chance Theater today.

For the love of Our Lord and the Catholic Church, please send your message today, and consider forwarding this email to all the Catholics you know.

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