Catholics Brave Weather to Fight “Rainbow” Jesuit’s Errors

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Catholics Brave Weather to Fight “Rainbow” Jesuit’s Errors
Catholics Brave Weather to Fight “Rainbow” Jesuit’s Errors

Just days ago, braving harsh winds and cold rain, members of The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) along with a dozen locals and a Catholic priest, stood at the entrance to the Norbertine Daylesford Abbey in Paoli, Penn., where the notoriously pro-homosexual priest, Fr. James Martin, S.J., gave a talk on his book, Building a Bridge. His lecture focused on acceptance for the “LGBT community,” rather than the practice of virtue.

As TFP volunteers arrived, three locals with signs were already praying the holy rosary. One of their signs proclaimed, “Have Courage, Be Chaste!”

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Shortly after starting, more faithful Catholics joined the peaceful rally of reparation with rosaries in hand.

In no time, a full-fledged protest was underway. There were banners, large signs, bagpipes, and most importantly, enthusiastic faithful determined to defend Catholic teaching.

“I Support This Big-time!”

In the middle of praying the rosary, a gentleman drove up and rolled down his window, saying, “Yes. When decent people say or do nothing, evil shall prosper.”

“I support this big-time!” he added.

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It was sad to see fellow Catholics contradict the Church’s moral teachings. In fact, many of the attendees of Fr. Martin’s talk would shake their heads and speed up as they drove by. Some individuals made vulgar gestures with their middle fingers.

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One lady who stood out in the rain with the TFP commented how she frequently protests outside abortion clinics. But she said with sadness, “This is a whole other thing. He’s got the backing of the Vatican!

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Despite the harsh weather conditions, the rosary of reparation was held outside Fr. Martin’s talk.

“I don’t care if it’s raining, pouring down hail, or if we’re in the middle of a hurricane,” said TFP Student Action volunteer Gregory Murphy, 18. “If error is being preached under the guise of being Catholic, I’m ready to go out of my way to make public reparation and proclaim what the Church has always taught.”

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