A Bavarian History Professor-Priest, Ignaz von Döllinger, Leads Those Opposed to Papal Infallibility

A Bavarian History Professor-Priest, Ignaz von Döllinger, Leads Those Opposed to Papal Infallibility

The modern “center-left” position contains a fatal flaw. It cannot prevent its ideas from being used to inspire even more radical modes of thinking. This tendency expressed itself as French liberalism degenerated into the “anti-infallibilist” movement of the late nineteenth century. Before the First Vatican Council convened in 1869, French Catholic liberal … Read more

As Preparations for the First Vatican Council Took Place, French Liberals Struggled to Organize Themselves

As Preparations for the First Vatican Council Took Place, French Liberals Struggled to Organize Themselves

When Pius IX published the bull Aeterni Patris convening the First Vatican Council in 1868, Ultramontanism was practically victorious in France. The Catholic movement had received a vigorous boost from the apostolate of the nineteenth century’s early Ultramontanes. Throughout the century, it advanced and remained steadfastly orthodox despite some leaders’ attempts to … Read more