Clergy Abuses — Abuses of Clergy

Clergy Abuses — Abuses of Clergy 2

In recent years the media have been vicious in their attacks against the Catholic clergy for even the slightest hint of sexual abuse that have come to light. However, the same media have been almost unconcerned when it comes to practically identical abuse cases. A case of non-reaction happened right under the … Read more

The False Accusation Scandal

The False Accusation Scandal 2

When talking about the enormous decline in sexual abuse cases inside the Catholic Church in recent years, it is customary to preface the remarks by saying that even one case of the clerical abuse of minors is too many. Such a qualifier is completely justified. The sacred dignity of the priesthood demands … Read more

A Sobering Surprise on Fifth Avenue

A Sobering Surprise on Fifth Avenue 2

People began to enter the downtown New York City building at 7:30 in the morning, but by 11:30 a massive snake-like-line of people was so large, some got a bit frustrated and wondered if it was worth the wait, yet none left their spot. I overheard one very worldly and irritated looking businesswoman comment … Read more

Can Murder Be Moral?

Can Murder Be Moral?

If euthanasia follows as a logical consequence of abortion, then why not kill those who are deemed to have lost autonomy and functional abilities in order to harvest their organs? Such arguments can be found in a recent article in the Journal of Medical Ethics titled “What Makes Killing Wrong?” by Walter … Read more

A Muslim’s Remarkable Conversion to Catholicism

A Muslim’s Remarkable Conversion to Catholicism 2

The fascinating autobiography of Muhammad Moussaoui, who narrates his conversion from Islam to Catholicism, shows miracles of grace and of human correspondence, on the one hand, and on the other hand the terrible harshness of Islamic mentality and persecution of Christians. The book’s title, The Price to Pay, summarizes well what this … Read more

Regarding Homosexual Practice, Catholic Doctrine Cannot Change

Regarding Homosexual Practice, Catholic Doctrine Cannot Change 4

As the year ended, Cardinal Francis George of Chicago likened the homosexual movement’s decision to hold a parade passing right in front of a parish church during Mass time to old anti-Catholic demonstrations by the Ku-Klux-Klan. When the homosexual movement reacted, the Cardinal explained his statement in several ways, excusing himself for … Read more

Christmas Fights Back

Christmas Fights Back 2

We hear about the famous War on Christmas that our secular society wages with great intensity. However, the latest news from the front is not encouraging for those who would worship around a holiday tree. According to a recent Rasmussen report, 88% of Americans will celebrate Christmas this year and 81% of … Read more

Homosexual Practice and Religious Persecution

Homosexual Practice and Religious Persecution 2

Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke stated that it is “critical at this time that Christians stand up for the natural moral law,” especially in defense of life and the family, in an interview with CNA/EWTN News on November 28, 2011. The Prefect of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura warned about the … Read more