ANF Mails out its 2003 Fatima Calendar

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America Needs Fatima is now mailing its 2003 Fatima calendar to its 265,000 members across the country. Throughout the years, the Fatima calendar has always been a favorite among Fatima supporters. Superimposing America’s breathtaking scenery with an image of Our Lady uplifts all who view the different scenes.

“Especially after September 11, we need to see Our Lady’s protective gaze over town and country, all across the nation,” said ANF director Robert Ritchie.
In addition to the beautiful photos, the calendar contains a liturgical calendar combining the official feast days of the Church with the saints’ days taken from Butler’s Lives of the Saints. The calendar also includes inspiring quotes from saints about the Blessed Virgin. They lead one to the inescapable conclusion that, as Saint Louis de Montfort said, Mary is the surest, safest and quickest way to reach Our Lord Jesus Christ.

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