A primary task of America Needs Fatima’s Rosary Rally Captains is to spread devotion to Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart. They responded to the call on May 13 by coordinating Public Rosaries Rallies during the month of Mary. All across America, Rally Captains reported on the success of their events and the positive feedback of their communities as they blanketed the country with prayers.
“Thank you for the opportunity to honor Our Lady of Fatima by praying the Rosary publicly. Our banner was prominently displayed on the front lawn of our parish in Caldwell, New Jersey, which is located on the busiest road in town.” — Joe and Aline — Caldwell, New Jersey.
Faithful Rosary Rally Captains brought the message of Our Lady to the public square. They bore witness to her message at Fatima, Portugal, in 1917. Many rally captains have sent beautiful photos of their rallies. They describe the positive repercussions from their communities in glowing terms.

“A Group in San Antonio, Texas, prayed the Rosary publicly at noon today. Thank you, America Needs Fatima, for helping and encouraging us to ask GOD for help in this our disordered world.” — Gloria — San Antonio, Texas.

The number of rally captains has been growing each month, which means there are more Rosary Rallies than ever before. Many intend to host rallies every month. Even before the May Rosary Rally, some captains already had plans to hold another rally in June.

“We were only 16 in person this month, but many joined us in spirit to implore Heaven on this beautiful feast. We will continue to gather monthly on the 13th, as we have been doing now for quite a while. It is so needed, and we are blessed to be called to this ministry.” — Linda — Tampa, Florida.
Like Linda, many faithful captains coordinate Rosary Rallies every month.
The May 13 rallies implored Our Lady’s assistance on the feast of Our Lady’s first apparition at Fatima.
America Needs Fatima’s Rosary Rally Captains extend Our Lady’s mantle over America, bringing her Rosary into the public square.
Sign up to be a Rosary Rally Captain for the Sacred Heart in June!
America Needs Fatima’s next monthly Rosary Rally will be in honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
June is the month of the Sacred Heart. The corrupt world tries to turn this month into an occasion to celebrate the sin of pride in practicing unnatural vice. We need to take back this month for the Sacred Heart by having Rosary rallies all across America for the Sacred Heart.
The question is simple. Will you sign up to be a Rally Captain by clicking HERE? It is simple to do. Gather some family and friends with the banner that America Needs Fatima provides and pray the Rosary in reparation for a local pride event. Please, honor Our Lord and Our Lady by signing up HERE.