2009 Winter Camp: Be Like Eagles, Not Toads

The words echoed across the Pennsylvania hills as the boys shouted enthusiastically: “It is better to be an eagle for a minute then a toad for a lifetime.” This is what the boys proclaimed during games at the TFP’s 2008-2009 winter camp for boys. There was plenty of hot chocolate and campfires, but the most important of all was the instruction given by TFP members on how to face and live 2009 like Catholic crusaders.

The boys learned about a wide range of topics such as Mr. John Ritchie’s on purity. It showed how the ermine’s snow white fur symbolizes purity and avoids soiling its coat with mud. Another talk was given by Mr. Thomas Drake, who dispelled the negative myths often made

Listening to a meeting on knights.
Listening to a meeting on knights.

against the Crusades and expounded on the real nature of Islam. But a favorite was Mr. Norman Fulkerson’s story on Vietnam War hero and Medal of Honor recipient Samuel “Sammy” Davis, who he personally met. He told of Sammy’s exploits and drew a parallel with the crusaders of old, showing how his innocence, uprightness and trust in God helped him through the battle when no one else would take the initiative.

All the meetings helped increase the faith and Catholic fervor of the boys and sparked renewed desires to fight for Holy Mother Church.

Hike to a mountain overlooking the Susquehanna River.
Hike to a mountain overlooking the Susquehanna River.

Many different games were played. From dodge ball and prison break to board games and Christmas carols, all activities required to be done with the spirit of chivalry. The highlight of the camp, however, was New Year’s celebration. At the stroke of twelve midnight the Te Deum was sung followed by a large snack served with all types of cheese and candies. The next morning, New Year’s Day, camp participants attended a brief course on gun safety before testing their accuracy shooting clay pigeons with shotguns.

The day closed with a delicious banquet at the TFP headquarters in Spring Grove, Penn. where participants received a framed picture of medieval knights as a reminder of what they learned.

This camp co-sponsored by St. Louis de Montfort Academy will undoubtedly be remembered for its good conversations, inspiring talks, and motivating games. For more information on St. Louis de Montfort Academy for boys, please visit their website here.

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