As the Climate Debate Heats Up, the Polar Caps Ice Over

As the Climate Debate Heats Up, the Polar Caps Ice Over 2

In a surprising new study, NASA satellite telemetry indicates that an increase in Antarctic snow accumulation is currently adding enough ice to the continent to outweigh the losses from its thinning glaciers. No doubt this data will not sit well with climate alarmists who claim that anthropogenic global warming is destroying the … Read more

No Professor Left Behind

I recently had the opportunity to guest lecture for an American Government class at a private Midwestern college. My friend who teaches the class invited me to share some insights about political theory. While I have taught classes to select groups of motivated students, I was ill prepared for the harrowing experience … Read more

Our Lady’s Advice to Saint John Bosco

Our Lady’s Advice to Saint John Bosco 5

We must not worry about appearances when it comes to what people may think of us when doing our duty. The great Saint John Bosco, founder of the Salesian Congregation, disclosed to a small group of friends an important supernatural vision he had. A priest in attendance took note of his words, … Read more

The Tale of An Ungrateful City

The Tale of An Ungrateful City 2

Scene: A small town having all of the conventional characteristics of a small town: a central public square leading to a graceful church with stained-glass windows, a tower, bells, and a clock; across from the church, a water fountain; then, the homes, modest but comfortable; nearby, adjacent to one narrow street, an … Read more

Beyond The Digital Divide

A huge geo-social gorge has suddenly appeared on the nation’s political landscape, and nearly everyone is talking about it. This strange chasm unites politicians of all parties into demanding immediate action. Educators, too, have placed it high on their agenda. What is this yawning gash that must be bridged at all cost? … Read more

The Centennial of Pascendi

The Centennial of Pascendi 1

A hundred years ago, on September 8, 1907, Pope Saint Pius X (1903–1914) published the Encyclical Pascendi Dominici Gregis (Feeding the Lord’s Flock) against the devastating doctrines of Modernism. It was the culmination of an offensive that caused irreparable damage to Modernism. A month earlier, the Congregation of the Holy Office had … Read more