Young Men Pray and Act to End Abortion in the Netherlands and Belgium

Young Men Pray and Act to End Abortion in the Netherlands and Belgium
Young Men Pray and Act to End Abortion in the Netherlands and Belgium

Ripple effects from the momentous overturning of Roe vs. Wade continue to spread around the world. In recent days, more than 20 young men with Tradition, Family Property Student Action Europe campaigned in cities across the Netherlands and Belgium for an end to the sin of abortion.

On August 19, Student Action volunteers arrived in the Dutch city of ‘s-Hertogenbosch to pray the Rosary and hand out leaflets in defense of the unborn. Many people gladly accepted the pro-life leaflets and enjoyed the music played by the TFP Student Action band, composed of bagpipes, drums, and trumpets.

Later that day, the young men moved on to the city of Breda to continue the campaign. This time, volunteers experienced the “tolerance” that the left has for those who stand up for the right to life.

The Left Screams, But the Right Applauds

The starkest contrast between those in favor and against abortion was evident during the campaign.

In Breda, an older man became furious and threw eggs at the peaceful volunteers. He left the area, promising to return with more eggs, but the police prevented him from continuing and obliged him to leave.

The following morning, August 20, the young men of TFP Student Action Europe campaigned in the Belgian city of Ghent. The campaign started in the medieval Korenmarkt, where many people accepted leaflets. Gradually, pro-abortion leftists gathered, hurled insults or screamed profanities.

Young Men Pray and Act to End Abortion in the Netherlands and Belgium
August 20, in the Belgian city of Ghent, where the young men of TFP Student Action Europe campaigned.

After some time, a small counter-protest formed across the street from the pro-life campaign.

When the young men returned to the same area after lunch, they found a crowd of at least 50 LGBT and pro-abortion activists with an enormous rainbow flag.

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The opposing sides were lined up, and a dead hush fell across the square. Suddenly, TFP Student Action leader Daniel Martins called out, “Pray and act!” to which all the young volunteers responded, “Pray and act to end the sin of abortion!” Next, the Creed, that beautiful proclamation of the beliefs of the Catholic faith, was solemnly intoned, and even the pro-abortion crowd was momentarily struck silent as the sublime Latin hymn was sung by the 22 young men.

The contrast between the two sides became even more evident as the pro-abortion mob showed their true colors by chanting “My body, my choice!” followed by singing a song with an obscene refrain.

Young Men Pray and Act to End Abortion in the Netherlands and Belgium
The contrast between the two sides was evident.

Amid this uproar, many people raised their voices in support. When the band played a tune, several people clapped supportively. One brave lady stood with the young men and prayed two decades of the rosary. Two Australian men passing through the square told a volunteer, “We want you to know that we support you!”

Another woman enchanted with the campaign gave an interview and told a volunteer, “You don’t need to thank me because I’m doing this for the unborn children.”

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An older local gentleman realized the volunteers came from all over Europe, saying, “I’m proud of you for coming all the way from your country to stand up for what you believe in.”

The Winning Strategy: Pray and Act

Student Action volunteers handed out over 1000 leaflets in English and Dutch in Ghent titled “Pray and Act to End the Sin of Abortion-It Really Works!”

The leaflet shows how the victory achieved by American pro-lifers was made possible because of 50 years of prayer and action.

The most effective prayer that ultimately won the day for the pro-life cause in the United States was the Holy Rosary, which has achieved numerous victories for Catholics over the centuries.

With the winning strategy of prayer and action, pro-lifers can be certain that the battle in defense of the unborn, the family, and Christian civilization will be won.

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