The American TFP Prays for the Nation on Pilgrimage to Quito

In today’s fast-moving, chaotic, and sinful world, the Catholic pilgrimage is an extraordinary occasion to implore divine assistance and graces. With this in mind, a delegation of nine full-time volunteers of The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family, and Property (TFP) embarked on a pilgrimage to Quito, Ecuador. The object of the October 27 visit was to venerate the miraculous statue of Our Lady of Good Success and offer prayers for the Church, the American nation, and the TFP movement.FREE Book, A Spanish Mystic in Quito: Sor Mariana de Jesus Torres

FREE Book: A Spanish Mystic in Quito

The American TFP delegation was joined by members of other TFPs and headed by H.I.R.H. Prince Luiz of Orleans-Braganza, who is also a member of the National Council of the Brazilian TFP. For years, TFP members have had the honor of carrying the statue in her tri-annual public processions.

The American TFP Prays for the Nation on Pilgrimage to Quito
The Mother Superior poses for a picture with our delegation.

The story of this extraordinary statue began in 1576 when Mother Maria of Jesus Toboada arrived from Spain to Quito with five other nuns and her 13-year old-niece, Mariana, to found a convent of Conceptionist nuns. Our Lady appeared to Sr. Mariana and made many prophesies, especially about modern times. She spoke of rampant impurity where innocence and modesty would hardly be found. Religious vocations would be scarce and the sacraments largely ignored.

The American TFP Prays for the Nation on Pilgrimage to Quito
In procession, the statue travels through the hallways of the cloister.

During these visions, Our Lady told Sr. Mariana to have a statue of her made under the invocation of Our Lady of Good Success. In 1610, Sr. Mariana contracted an artist to carve the image. One year later, the artist, having almost completed the statue, left for two weeks to get the proper materials to finish. Much to his surprise, when he returned the statue had been miraculously completed without him. The statue was then consecrated by the bishop and placed in the choir of the convent above the Abbess’ chair, where she remains to this day.

Since the TFP has fought against so many of the errors mentioned in Our Lady’s prophesies, it has always propagated them and cherished a special devotion to Our Lady of Good Success.

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On October 31, TFP members and friends prayed the rosary, renewed personal consecrations to the Blessed Virgin, and sang Marian hymns. During the procession, it was impossible to deny the graces which permeated everything.

The American TFP Prays for the Nation on Pilgrimage to Quito
The incorrupt bodies of four of the Conceptionist foundresses of the convent.

“The fruit of over four hundred years of prayers and sacrifices seemed palpable even in the very air” said TFP member Matthew Shibler. The procession ended in the choir loft, where the statue was placed above the seat of the Abbess. After paying a visit to the final resting place of the perfectly incorrupt bodies of four foundresses of the convent, the delegation left the holy ground of the convent, returning to the harsh, unholy streets of the modern world.


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