The America Where Same-Sex “Marriage” Is Banned

The America Where Same-Sex “Marriage” Is Banned
The America Where Same-Sex “Marriage” Is Banned

Most people don’t realize it, but same-sex “marriage” is banned in some areas of the country. It is not allowed because the residents are against it. They claim it is contrary to their culture.

It seems strange that the criteria that apply to this one group of American citizens are invalid for others. Unlike the fifty states, those in these areas get to decide how they want to live their lives inside their culture. The Supreme Court that determines the law of the land is not supreme in these areas.

The Native American Rejection

The answer to these inconsistencies becomes clear when the identity of these residents is revealed. Those who insist upon traditional marriage are Native Americans. The areas where same-sex “marriage” is banned are some of the nation’s most significant American Indian reservations.

These reservations are recognized as sovereign tribal nations, and as such, they are not subject to the infamous 2015 Obergefell v. Hodges ruling that imposed same-sex “marriage” upon the country.

Tribes like the Navajos banned the measure as contrary to their culture and tradition. Such an affirmation creates a short circuit among the left, which has both LGBTQ “rights” and support of “oppressed” minorities on its agenda. The problem for the left is that “oppressed” minorities reject same-sex “marriage.”

New Pressure to Impose Same-sex “Marriage”

However, there is mounting pressure upon the tribes to conform to modern times, even at the expense of abandoning tribal culture.

Despite being the youngest Navajo National Council ever, present efforts to repeal the ban will not be easy. Similar appeals failed twice before. The issue is not popular with the over 170,000 tribal members that live on the 27,000-square-mile reservation.

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Pro-homosexual activists are trying, by all means, to avoid a referendum since conservative sentiments run deep throughout the region. It could easily lead to an embarrassing defeat. They prefer an executive council decision to impose it much the way the Supreme Court overrode the will of 31 states that enshrined traditional marriage in their constitutions.

Reasons for Resistance

There are many reasons why the Navajos are resisting the pressure. Some Navajos take a more practical attitude, claiming that council members should focus on improving roads and promoting education rather than divisive issues with no link to daily reality.

The opposition also says the tribe’s culture does not support this move. The left has responded to cultural arguments by changing the narrative. Its activists try to out-Indian the Native Americans by claiming the Navajos don’t know their culture.

They conveniently point to postmodern “indigenous scholars” who are only too willing to rewrite history to turn the Navajos woke.

These scholars claim the Navajos and other tribal communities traditionally recognized different genders before the twentieth century. The present rejection of homosexuality is due to colonialism and Christian values brought by the missionaries. This Western influence drove those practicing what they call “two-spirit” sexuality underground.

Most Navajos know nothing about these two-spirit models promoted by indigenous scholars. Some Native Americans say their ancestors were medicine men and women going back many generations. None of them have heard of men marrying men or women marrying women. From time immemorial, marriage has been between a man and a woman.

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Indeed, it is the elders, those closest to the past, who resist the pressure. They defend the traditional marriage as part of Navajo culture. Some turn the argument around on the scholars and say that the homosexual lifestyle represents “the White men’s way.”

Indeed, the push to change Navajo law comes from a decadent Western script, not that of the Native Americans. The activists borrow from all the pages of the strategy book that resulted in the infamous Obergefell decision.

Deep Christian Roots

Activists cite deep Christian roots as the greatest obstacle to their efforts. The Navajo community is very religious and respects God and His law that forbids such relationships. It is proof that the universal message of the Gospel attracts all people.

The Navajo defy all the stereotypes of the left. As a supposedly oppressed minority suffering from widespread poverty, the Navajo should be ready to liberate themselves from colonialism and join the revolution. However, the tribe holds firm to its authentic tradition and Christian roots and rejects the woke agenda.

In this moral field, the Navajos are an example for America. They refuse to cave in to the pressures of those who challenge God’s law.

Photo Credit:  © Melinda Nagy –

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