The 10 Answers about True Marriage that USA Today Never Published

The 10 Answers about True Marriage that USA Today Never PublishedRecently, a collegiate correspondent for USA Today contacted TFP Student Action for an interview.  The young reporter asked ten questions about DOMA and the same-sex “marriage” debate.  She wrote:  “Please return them [answers] back to me by the end of the day so I can include your perspective in the article.”

Sure.  So within a few hours, TFP Student Action answered the ten questions.  Well, guess how many answers were published?

None.  Nada.  Not even one.

See for yourself here:  Obama’s anti-DOMA brief affecting LGBT discourse

Why is the media unwilling to print opinions that favor traditional marriage?  Why is the liberal media censoring legitimate points of view that oppose the homosexual agenda’s frenzied push to radically redefine marriage?

For the record, here are the answers that USA Today never published.

1.  What was your reaction to the news that Obama encouraged a knock down of the Defense of Marriage Act?
I wasn’t overly surprised.  But it’s really sad when the President uses his authority to undermine the only true definition of marriage according to nature — the union of one man and one woman — the way God made it.

2.  How do you think the Supreme Court will respond to Obama’s brief?
I sure hope that the political pressure that is currently being put on the Supreme Court justices won’t impair their ability and duty to serve the common good.  In this case, the common good is served best by protecting marriage because the family is the basic cell of society.  The Supreme Court has a moral obligation to do what is right.

3.  What do you think is the importance of DOMA as a legal doctrine?
DOMA recognizes a self-evident reality:  that marriage is between one man and one woman.  Given that the institution of marriage is under attack, DOMA is a law that should be upheld.

4.  How do you think a knock down of DOMA would affect the younger generation in America?
Since laws effect morality, if DOMA is actually knocked down, it would only increase the moral drift that our younger generation suffers from.  It would uproot the anchors that keep the family intact and together.

5.  How has Obama’s support for gay marriage changed your opinion of his presidency?
The President is being consistent with his leftist orientation.  Most left-leaning governments that follow socialistic platforms are pushing through the same radical redefinition of marriage, despite great opposition.  Look at France, for example.

6.  Some gay rights advocates believe this action could lead to a federal constitutional right to same-sex marriage.  To what extent do you think this is the next step in the process?
In most states, whenever the issue is put to a vote, Americans choose to protect the definition of marriage between one man and one woman.  The homosexual movement loses at the ballot box.  That’s why they prefer to push for a federal decision where public opinion is shut out of the process.  If the Supreme Court imposes same-sex “marriage,” it will be a Roe v Wade moment.  It will tear the nation in half like the abortion issue.

7.  Looking forward, how do you think this brief will change the national conversation about gay marriage?
The conversation should focus on what’s best for the country.  Clearly, the natural family is the best thing for the common, where children are born, raised and loved by a father and a mother.

8.  Overall, how do you think legalization of same-sex marriage will be affected by Obama’s action?
It’s difficult to say.  But the opposition to same-sex “marriage” will continue to grow because nobody has the power to change nature.  That’s why same-sex “marriage” is not marriage.  And calling it marriage doesn’t make it marriage.  So it’s not inevitable.

9.  How do you see the general evolution of marriage equality changing in the next five or so years?
There is no “marriage equality” between a heterosexual and a homosexual couple.  They are two different realities.  Therefore, the debate will continue around the possibility or impossibility of two different things.  Opinions come and go, but marriage is an institution that doesn’t evolve.  It doesn’t change.

10.  Is there anything else you’d like to add that I didn’t ask?
The future of America depends on the health and unity of the family.  If we give up on the meaning of marriage, which is naturally connected to procreation, we dismantle the most precious foundation of society.  We destroy the glue that keeps society together.

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