TFP Launches Pray Campaign for Notre Dame University

TFP Launches Pray Campaign for Notre Dame UniversitySo many students and parents had trusted Notre Dame’s new president, Fr. John I. Jenkins, would restore moral order on campus by stopping two blatant anti-Catholic events from occurring year after year: “Queer Film Festival” and “V-Monologues.”

However, hopes that Notre Dame would ban immoral events were shattered on April 5, when Fr. Jenkins issued a statement allowing pro-homosexual film festivals or events to continue at Our Lady’s university. Fr. Jenkins said, “[I] see no reason to prohibit performances of ‘The V***** Monologues’ on campus, and do not intend to do so.”1

In fact, earlier this year, students were given free tickets to see the morally degrading movie Brokeback Mountain. The film, rated R, screened at Notre Dame’s Browning Cinema.

“This is a dark day in the history of Catholic higher education. The idea that explicit pro-homosexual events somehow fit in any Catholic setting is preposterous. Catholic doctrine clearly and consistently condemns homosexual vice,” said TFP Student Action Director John Ritchie.

Pray for Notre Dame

The mission of a Catholic University includes counseling students away from sin, providing them with insights to the necessity and beauty of the virtue of chastity that some may have never known. Conditions favorable to the practice of virtue are essential. As Blessed Jacinta warned: “The sins which lead most souls to hell are sins of the flesh.”

That is why TFP Student Action is launching Pray for Notre Dame. Thousands of faithful Catholic students and parents are pledging prayers for the complete restoration of Catholic higher education at the University of Notre Dame.

The Most Rev. John D’Arcy, bishop of Fort Wayne-South Bend, said: “Let us all turn to Mary, the patroness of Notre Dame and of our diocese, asking her to help Father Jenkins and her university through this difficult and historic moment, towards the light that is Jesus Christ who said, ‘I am the way, the truth and the life.’ I regret the sponsorship of this play [V-Monologues] by Notre Dame again this year, and pray it will be the last time.”2

A copy will be sent to the president of Notre Dame, Fr. John Jenkins, C.S.C., urging him to uphold Catholic morality. Please pledge to pray a Rosary or include this intention in a holy hour. Pray for the end of homosexual sin and for the perseverance of Catholic students.

The more prayer pledges we generate, the better. Join the Pray for Notre Dame campaign.


  2. (02-06)

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