TFP Book Welcomed in St. Louis

TFP Book Welcomed in St. LouisOn Sunday, February 9, the American TFP vibrant supporter network in St. Louis held a local launching for the hard-hitting book just authored by the TFP Commission for American Issues, I Have Weathered Other Storms: A Response to the Scandals and Democratic Reforms that Threaten the Catholic Church. American TFP Speaker John Horvat spoke to the group of 40 friends at the Maria Center.

The talk was the occasion for discussing many of the issues surrounding the sexual abuse scandals and cover-up. Mr. Horvat stressed the monumental crisis of the Faith that affects all sectors of the Church. He noted that what has happened is a consequence of this crisis since St. Paul explains that when man abandons the true God and his law “God hands them over to degrading passions.”

The process of self-destruction inside the Church is yet another element that must be considered to avoid attacking symptoms and not causes. “There is nothing more devastating than to have an institution turn upon itself, Mr. Horvat affirmed. “It is an afflictive situation where an institution does things illogically against its own interests.”

Finally, he described the deliberate attack on the Church itself by pressure groups of the Catholic left aided by the media to capitalize on the poor plight of victims to introduce systemic change inside the Church.

The speaker brought up case after case of authors, theologians and media writers calling for changes that will alter the structure and therefore the essence of the Church. He pointed out how media and reform groups alike target the clerical system which they label as oppressive.

Radicals like Sr. Joan Chittister see the scandals in terms of declericalization which is called the foundation for the renewal of the church.

The TFP book focuses with refreshing clarity on the truths of the Faith now under attack. It quotes saints, doctors of the Church and theologians to reaffirm the certainties that may have been shaken by the present crisis.

Mr. Horvat stressed how the TFP book hopes to re-enkindle the Faith in the poor and abandoned laity, reinvigorate the clergy to reassert its role and thwart the efforts of the liberal Catholics who want to bring about systemic changes. He exhorted the audience to use this book as a handbook as they weather these scandals.

The session ended with a lively question-and-answer session and Catholic conviviality.

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