Manhood: A Catholic Look at a Much-Needed Commentary

Manhood: A Catholic Look at a Much-Needed Commentary

Plenty of men live their lives avoiding responsibility, work and effort. Many have no idea of the purpose of their lives and where they want to go. Others recoil before a culture that interprets any movement to male character development or leadership as hateful and oppressive. All these masculine figures are missing … Read more

Why Chivalry Is the Catholic Solution to Toxic Masculinity

Why Chivalry Is the Catholic Solution to Toxic Masculinity

“Toxic masculinity” is one of those trendy expressions that is intentionally left vague and emotional so that it might wreak havoc on society. Once limited to women’s studies department, the term has broken out of its cage and now seems to be everywhere. In these #MeToo times, everyone can claim to be … Read more