A New Invasion Threatens Europe…and They Aren’t Immigrants

A New Invasion Threatens Europe…and They Aren’t Immigrants 1

Hordes of people are descending on Europe, destroying local cultures and straining infrastructure. They are descending upon picturesque villages and public squares. Locals are moving out. Some might think that this invasion refers to the immigration crisis. However, these new invaders do not stay. Unlike conquering Caesar, they come, they see, and … Read more

Can the Church Abandon Her Mission Reaching Out to Save Souls?

Can the Church Abandon Her Mission Reaching Out to Save Souls?

Pope Francis’ meeting with the representative of the Russian Church and the Joint Declaration which ensued are causing the most diverse reactions. Condemnation of Abortion…But Praise for Communist Cuba The pro-life movement is excited by the unexpected and clear statement against abortion, defending marriage between a man and a woman, and condemning … Read more

Kremlin Mulls Declaring Independence of Baltic Countries Illegal

Kremlin Mulls Declaring Independence of Baltic Countries Illegal 1

Vladimir Putin wants to restore the Soviet Union’s “glory” and revise, if not annul, the act recognizing the independence of the Baltic countries. Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia in Moscow’s Crosshairs The Russian news agency Interfax reported that the “new Russia” has decided to review the legality of the recognition of the independence … Read more