Apologia for a Catholic Counter-Revolutionary

Apologia for a Catholic Counter-Revolutionary 2

""""[vc_column_text] “When still very young, I marveled at the ruins of Christendom and gave them my heart. I turned my back on all I could expect and made of that past, so full of blessings, my future.” With these words taken from an address made by the Brazilian jurist and eminent conservative … Read more

The Church’s Infallible and Immutable Doctrine on Contraception Stands Amid Growing Opposition

The Church’s Infallible and Immutable Doctrine on Contraception Stands Amid Growing Opposition 1

Recent statements by Cardinals George Cottier and Javier Lozano Barragán that condom use is legitimate in certain circumstances to prevent the spread of AIDS are creating confusion among Catholics worldwide and causing enormous scandal. Unfortunately, these high-ranking prelates, both holding important posts in the Roman Curia, have joined a growing number of … Read more

Defending the Highest Law in Topeka

Defending the Highest Law in Topeka 3

On the evening of November 16, twenty TFP supporters staged a rally outside the Topeka City Hall where the city council was debating a proposed ordinance that would prohibit “discrimination” against homosexuals. The measure would have added sexual orientation — a changeable lifestyle — to the list of race, religion, national origin … Read more

Tracing the Glorious Origins of Priestly Celibacy

Tracing the Glorious Origins of Priestly Celibacy 3

Self-appointed reformers always arise in times of crises offering “brilliant” solutions that attempt to demolish the Church’s most venerable traditions. Priestly celibacy, a glorious trait of the Latin Church, has been a constant target of these so-called reformers. Curiously enough, abolishing priestly celibacy comes hand-in-hand with destroying the indissolubility of marriage. This … Read more

The Primacy of Peter

The Primacy of Peter

I. The Papacy: a factor of division or unity? For a long time now certain theological currents and Church personalities, in the name of a heterodox interpretation of episcopal collegiality, have been proposing a change in the monarchical constitution of the Church so as to reduce the Pope’s authority to that of … Read more

Luther, Absolutely Not!

Luther, Absolutely Not! 4

The five hundredth anniversary of Martin Luther, who was largely responsible for the Protestant revolution of the XVI century, gave rise to manifestations of sympathy in certain Catholic circles which would have been considered absolutely unforeseeable five years ago. Among these manifestations was the visit of HH John Paul II to the … Read more