Remembering Mr. Jeremiah Wells

Remembering Mr. Jeremiah Wells 1

Members of the American TFP mourn the passing of Mr. Jeremiah Wells on January 11, 2016. Anyone who knew him would agree he was a man who lived a life worthy of a book. It is therefore fitting to take at least a glimpse at the colorful life of this atypical Catholic … Read more

“There Is No Moral Virtue in Being Wrong” — Interview with Dr. Calvin Beisner of the Cornwall Alliance on the Encyclical Laudato Si’

“There Is No Moral Virtue in Being Wrong” — Interview with Dr. Calvin Beisner of the Cornwall Alliance on the Encyclical Laudato Si’ 4

Dr. Beisner is a scholar specializing in the application of Christian worldview, theology, and ethics to economics, government, environmental stewardship, and public policy. As a professor he has taught theology, apologetics, ethics, church history, economics, and other disciplines. He has written four books on population, resources, economics, and the environment; eight other … Read more

Blessed Francisco: Contemplator of the Universe

Blessed Francisco: Contemplator of the Universe 1

In May 1946, Sister Lucia, then a Dorothean nun, went to Fatima to visit the sites of the apparitions of the angel (1916) and Our Lady (1917). At Valinhos, where the fourth apparition of Our Lady took place, a group was waiting for her that including her uncle Marto, the father of … Read more