Students say NO to The Da Vinci Code

Many students were outraged that The Da Vinci Code was being made into a movie.
Many students were outraged that The Da Vinci Code was being made into a movie.

Members of TFP Student Action and St. Louis de Montfort Academy passed out flyers and collected signatures at Penn State University at State College on Monday, September 12, protesting The Da Vinci Code book and Hollywood’s plans to make it into a movie
The Da Vinci Code thriller is a blasphemous distortion of the life of Our Lord Jesus Christ and of the early Church. It claims, among other things, that Christ married St. Mary Magdalene, that they had a child together, and that she was actually meant to be Pope.

“Nothing could be more offensive to Catholics than Dan Brown’s book,” said TFP volunteer Cesar Franco as he distributed flyers and collected petitions at the Allen Street Gates of Penn State University’s main campus at College Park, Penn. “Sure it’s a novel, but it’s still blasphemy,” he continued.

TFP volunteers voiced their categorical rejection to The Da Vinci Code and its brutal attempt to sow doubt and confusion in the minds of Catholics, especially those without a solid grasp of history or Church teaching. “Many people who at first didn’t see a problem with the book, changed their minds and signed our petition after discussing the issue with us,” observed James Miller, a member of TFP Student Action. “This campaign is making a difference.”

A Penn State University student reported: “Yea, we were just speaking about you in class. They said you don’t have the right to be out here doing this. But I defended you guys because you do have the right to do this.”

TFP Student Action intends to take this issue to university campuses across the nation.
TFP Student Action intends to take this issue to university campuses across the nation.

Another supportive student approached: “You know why I like the Catholic Church? Because it never changes. Its principles are firm and it never backs down. It doesn’t conform to the secular pop-culture and the ever-changing trends. Its doctrine is solid.”

“Your flags are glorious!” said yet another passer-by, glad to see the TFP at work.

One fellow apparently had nothing better to do than parade back and forth on the sidewalk in silence with an open copy of The Da Vinci Code, holding it at eye level, pretending to read it. He did not stop to discuss the issue.

The American TFP has already distributed a total of 225,000 protest cards across the country as part of a nationwide effort to stop The Da Vinci Code blasphemy. Including the petitions collected at Penn State University on Monday, 34,643 people have already signed on to this protest. The TFP is also about to publish a new book Rejecting The Da Vinci Code against the film and organize protests in front of theaters.

The Digital Collegian, the student newspaper of Penn State University, published a story about this campaign. (To read it, click here.) A letter to the editor appeared in the same newspaper, urging the TFP to “stop wasting [its] time on these useless issues and be real Christians instead of self-righteous cowards.”

If you are a PSU student or alumni, please feel free to compose your own letter to the editor with your opinion.

Just Click here.

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