Standing up for God’s Law!

On November 3, TFP Student Action visited Penn State University to decry the Lawrence vs. Texas Supreme Court Decision.
On November 3, TFP Student Action visited Penn State University to decry the Lawrence vs. Texas Supreme Court Decision.

On Monday, November 3, TFP Student Action visited Penn State University in State College, Penn., as part of its campaign to defend traditional marriage.

In less than five hours at the Allen Street gates, TFP volunteers distributed 3,000 flyers decrying the Supreme Court decision in Lawrence vs. Texas, and collected over 200 protest signatures addressed to the Court expressing outrage over its decision.

The flyer “Are We Still ‘One Nation Under God?'” shows how the Lawrence vs. Texas decision, granting legal protection to homosexual vice, creates alarming conditions for the total destruction of what is still left of our country’s moral structures. By favoring the homosexual agenda, the Court clearly broke away from 2000 years of Western Christian civilization. The government has no right to surrender its duty of upholding morality and protecting the common good.

Insults Are Not Arguments

Some opposition did not reflect the intellectual caliber one would expect to find at a University.
Some opposition did not reflect the intellectual caliber one would expect to find at a University.

With its huge American flag, red standard, and bagpipe music, TFP Student Action generated controversy, dividing the campus in two. Several pro-homosexual students, unable to argue in a logical way, simply shouted vile insults and mockeries. Others denied the existence of good, evil, absolute truth, morality, and God.

Shortly after the campaign started, a student approached and shouted, “you have no right to be here doing this. I’m calling the police.”

TFP volunteer calmly replied: “What about freedom of speech?”

The individual continued: “Freedom of speech? Freedom of speech is only for intelligent people… not you. If the administration knew you were here, they would kick you out.”

The rampant lion is a TFP trademark. Apparently it was a big problem for one older man looking for trouble.

“Take that lion off. That’s a Scottish lion. Take it off now,” he repeatedly screamed. A TFP volunteer explained that the TFP lion is a design original to the organization. Using insults and foul language, he insisted it was not. “You’re here forcing your opinion on everybody else.” The TFP volunteer’s reply was “insults and dirty language are not arguments.

Students Oppose Sodomy

Bagpipe music played by TFP volunteer James Slobodnik greatly embellished the campaign.
Bagpipe music played by TFP volunteer James Slobodnik greatly embellished the campaign.

However, many students were enthusiastic and happy to join the TFP’s effort to uphold God’s law and defend morality. Their enthusiasm was even noticed by a Penn State associate professor Maryjo Oster. In her letter to the editor of The Digital Collegian, Penn State’s student newspaper, she writes:

“… I saw student after student sign their petition and felt knots begin to develop in my stomach. Up until this point, I had been under the impression that the majority of college-aged students were open-minded and accepting of different cultures, opinions and lifestyles. I was truly disheartened to see how full of judgment and hate we are as a population.

“At what point did America’s young people become so condemning, myopic and intolerant?”

Those pushing the homosexual agenda create the myth that most people are on their side. The TFP campaign proves just how false that myth is.

“I just wanted to thank you so much for what you are doing,” one young woman said. “This issue is THE hot topic now, and I’m glad someone is fighting it.”

Due to the favorable response on campuses, TFP Student Action is planning to organize similar campaigns at other universities.

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