Sept 7 – San Rafael

Sept 7 - San Rafael

We were fortunate to attend a Latin Mass and Benediction today at Saint Vincent’s, a beautiful Church north of San Rafael. Before the homily, Father was kind enough to announce that pro-traditional marriage fliers outlining the Church’s position would be distributed after Mass. “As Catholics we need to understand that there is no other form of marriage except for traditional marriage,” he said.

Everyone was delighted to receive the TFP flier and many went home with a stack of additional fliers to give out. “These guys are the Church Militant,” exclaimed a Catholic parishioner who added: “They hold their chest out.”

“I am so happy you are doing this,” said one lady. “My entire family is going to offer all of our prayers for you during the duration of your tour in California. That’s a total of about 600 prayers!”

San Rafael, California
After lunch, we went to a busy intersection outside Montecito Plaza in San Rafael. The public’s reaction was noticeably more liberal than any other city visited so far. Drivers looked at us in total disbelief. “Opposing same-sex marriage?! Don’t you know you’re in a free fire zone,” said one individual. However, there was some support in the midst of insults and obscenities, but it was expressed somewhat timidly.

At the beginning of the campaign, two male high school students about ages 15 or 16 came strolling down the sidewalk holding hands along with two girls doing the same. Disliking our message, they immediately lashed out. Their ring leader, a boy wearing a school football jersey, argued and lost.

Scandalizing a little one
A young mother with a three year old child verbally harassed us on the sidewalk: “You have no right to judge anyone. How dare you!” I explained how the TFP message is not personal, but based on God’s law, natural law and right reason. “We are judging behavior. And homosexual vice is intrinsically immoral.” “You’re a disgrace,” she shouted among other stronger insults. “You appear to be judging us after affirming that people should not be judged,” I said. She walked away but returned shortly thereafter. Pointing to the TFP members she told her three year old daughter: “You see, they are bad, mean people.” Then pointing to a group of 5 or 6 pro-homosexual activists who had formed to protest our presence, she praised the “nice gay people.” We felt so sorry for the little girl.

Please continue to pray for us.

To send those traveling California for traditional marriage, write to [email protected]

From the inbox:
Thanks for renewing our faith in young people who are willing to risk their future on this issue. Our thoughts and prayers are with you!
— Sonja and Paul

I just read online what you are doing. You are all amazing; thank you and may God Bless You!
— Judy S.
Los Angeles, CA

Dear TFP,
I would like to say that it is great that you are doing this caravan. I live in Los Angeles, and I was wondering if you would like any help when the caravan comes down this way. I have been reading the TFP’s website, and I would like to know more about it. I really like what is being done, and I will continue to pray for your success. Good luck with it!
— Vincent T.

Please be aware that my prayers will be with you as you travel through California on this very special mission.
–Bernie E.
Summerland B.C. – Canada

Dear TFP Volunteers,
I believe your efforts and courage to defend our Catholic morals and to please God merit all admiration and appreciation. You are doing a great job and it is uplifting to see young people stand up for God and our Catholic values in these “apathetic” days. I have prayed for your campaign and will continue to pray for its success. May God, the Virgin and Saint Joseph protect and bless you all.
— Dr. Emmanuel B.

How to Support the Caravan
If you wish to support this vital endeavor with a gift, please click below.

If you would like to make your contribution by mail, please send a check payable to TFP Student Action and mail it to:

TFP Student Action,
1358 Jefferson Rd.
Spring Grove, PA 17362.

We’ve already traveled over 3,000 miles for traditional marriage and it takes some $107.00 to fill our van’s gas tank. Thank you for considering a gift to this cause. God bless you!

Financial Reports Notice

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