Sept 20 – Pomona

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After spending some time distributing pro-traditional marriage literature at the Los Angeles Fair in Pomona this morning, our campaign was cut short due to strict free speech regulations. The free speech area was a 5 x 5 white box and security guards were present at all times to make sure people stayed “inside the box.”

Display of hatred against God
Mr. John Miller politely offered a flier to a man who reacted aggressively, uttering insults directly against God. “F— your God!” he said. A bit startled, Mr. Miller could not believe what he was hearing, but the man repeated the blasphemy several times in a boisterous and vulgar tone. “Shame on you,” said Mr. Miller, “it is not likely that you will repeat such offenses in the after life.”

At the intersection
People were overwhelmingly supportive of traditional marriage during our rush hour campaign at the intersection on Towne Ave. One lady blew kisses to the TFP volunteers standing with signs on the sidewalks. Others applauded. It is also very common to see drivers give us two thumbs up.

In the evening TFP friends from Garden Grove, Los Angeles, kindly treated us to pizza.

Thank you for your support and please continue to storm Heaven with prayers so that traditional marriage and God’s law will be respected and obeyed in America.

Saint Joseph, pray for us!

If you want to protect the institution of marriage, the family and future of America, please consider filling our van’s gas tank with fuel and keep us on the road for traditional marriage. So far we’ve traveled 5,430 miles for God’s marriage.

Sponsor 1 tank of gas, 330 miles, for $107.00
Sponsor 2 tanks of gas, 660 miles, for 214.00
Sponsor 3 tanks of gas, 990 miles, for $321.00
Or even 5 tanks of gas, 1650 miles, for $535.00

From the inbox:

“We can still win…”

I am a Protestant, but so excited by what you all are doing! If Christians everywhere will take a stand and make our voices heard, we WILL see change! God has a remnant and they are powerful! Just like Gideon’s army—we can be outnumbered and still win the battles and eventually the war! I will keep you in my prayers.
— Lisa
Heath, TX
“The Church is alive and well…”

God bless you young people. I’m now 82 so I only demonstrate with my prayers or my emails. You will know someday how many people were turned around by your witness. Surely God and His Holy Angels are with you. The Church is alive and well and we see it in you. You are all in my prayers.
— Janice

“Praying and making sacrifices…”

We are e-mailing this around to many who care about our citizen rights as voters as well as the sanctity of marriage – a blessed Sacrament of the Church. And we will be praying and making sacrifices for you. Godspeed! Thank you for all that you do. Keep up the God work! Jesus, Mary we love you, save souls!

— Elizabeth O.

“Daily prayers…”

Dear students,
May the Lord bless and keep you for your brave work for Him. You will be in my daily prayers.

— Judi Lynk

“Passing out fliers”

Just wanted to let you know that, although I am a Mormon, I will be praying for your success. I, too, am passing out fliers to support traditional marriage, and my wife and I, and our 3 children, stood at a busy intersection for nearly 2 hours last week holding “One Man, One Woman” signs just as you are. I noticed that there aren’t any new posts about your efforts on the website past Sep 11th or 12th. Are you still going strong? Please post again to let us know of your current whereabouts. May God bless you.

— Rod K.

A quick comment about the caravan and what it says about America. I am shocked! I have been following these blogs just recently with a mixture of fascination and horror that people are reacting with such hatred and violence to such a simple display of nonviolence and perfect modesty in public behavior (the members of the Saint Joseph Caravan). I have learned to focus on reactions of people as an indicator of underlying truth and the blasphemous behavior is sad and telling.

I want to tell you something that has distressed me of late. I underwent a conversion by the hand of the Blessed Mary to the Roman Catholic Faith this past December. The local parish I have been attending has taught me a lot of what is going on in the world of Roman Catholicism in America. You see, Our Mother rescued me from the cult of New Age. There is an information table in our foyer around the lobby of the small Chapel where I attend Mass during the week and people leave literature of all kinds. It was on this table, in fact, that I learned about America Needs Fatima and looked up your link. I have been taking Church position papers on warnings of New Age to leave for others and they are always swiftly destroyed. Of late, I was taking nice printouts of your Saint Joseph Caravan blogs from California and I found they, too, were quickly disappearing.

Douglas A.
Longmont, CO

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