Sept 2 – Downtown Sacramento

Sept 2 - Downtown Sacramento

This morning we made our way down to the State Capitol building in Sacramento and stationed ourselves outside one of its busy entrances used by state legislators and workers. Our large banner reading “Californians Support Traditional Marriage” was visible to all passersby and the bagpipes and slogans rang out attracting attention.

On one side of the street there was a line of cabs and a number of their drivers gathered under the shade of a tree. They watched us for a while and one of them, after receiving a flier, remarked: “God commands. When men disobey, He punishes. That’s why we have AIDS.”

A while later, a tall gentleman in a suit, approached, introduced himself, opened his briefcase and handed me a copy of the book Revolution and Counter-Revolution by Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira, the founder of the TFP. “Are you familiar with this book?” he asked. We had a pleasant conversation and he lamented how many Catholic bishops in California are not vocally opposing same-sex “marriage” and suggested we visit diocesan cathedrals to encourage Church authorities to speak out.

A pro-homosexual individual told Mr. Peter Miller: “You should all rot in Hell!” Another anti-family values advocate called Mr. Charles Sulzen a Nazi as he played the bagpipes. He asked: “When was the last time you saw a Nazi playing the bagpipes?” She left without answering, of course.

Afternoon campaign: Elk Grove
After lunch we went to a busy intersection in Elk Grove. On each corner we held signs such as “God’s marriage = 1 man + 1 woman” and “Honk for traditional marriage.” Within a few hours, an estimated 2,000 cars honked in support of traditional marriage. This favorable reaction infuriated those who wish to harm the sanctity of marriage. For example, a car with three angry girls, circled the block throwing stink bombs at each group of TFP volunteers. Our Lady’s protection was apparent because none of the stink bombs hit any of our members and the campaign continued without pause.

Tomorrow, we will visit American River College which has over 35,000 students. Please pray for our trip there.

Saint Joseph, pray for us!

How to Support the Caravan
If you wish to support this vital endeavor with a gift, please click below.

If you would like to make your contribution by mail, please send a check payable to TFP Student Action and mail it to:

TFP Student Action,
1358 Jefferson Rd.
Spring Grove, PA 17362.

We’ve already traveled over 3,000 miles for traditional marriage and it takes some $107.00 to fill our van’s gas tank. Thank you for considering a gift to this cause. God bless you!

Financial Reports Notice

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