Say No to Legalizing Abortion in Mexico Now!

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On April 24, the legislative assembly of Mexico City hopes to push through a proposal to legalize abortion in one of the largest cities in the world. The American TFP is joining the efforts of many pro-life organizations in protesting the move.

Despite the fact that most Mexicans oppose abortion, pro-abortion lawmakers seek to take advantage of their slight majority in the Mexico City legislative assembly to force the measure through. If passed, the law would also make the state pay for abortions at state run health clinics. It would also serve as a springboard to liberalize the brutal practice throughout the country.

There are also indications that secret abortions on minors might follow. According to, the director of the Institute for Youth in Mexico City, Javier Hidalgo, a member of the Socialist PRD party, announced this week he would support a move to allow minors to obtain abortions without parental consent.

Opposition to the pro-abortion bill has been gaining strength. People around the world are working to prevent the legalization of abortion in Mexico. In a Cultural War that transcends borders, the American TFP is asking its supporters to voice their objections by email protest to this horrific bill which is clearly contrary to nature and divine law.

Catholics are also reminded that Our Lady of Guadalupe is a special patroness of the anti-abortion cause. Abortion in the city where her shrine is located is a special offense to her.

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