Return to Order Spreading Far and Wide

The book Return to Order: From a Frenzied Economy to an Organic Christian Society—Where We’ve Been, How We Got Here, and Where We Need to Go has been spreading throughout the heartland of America including Missouri and Kansas, where the author John Horvat II, went to sign books and answer the many questions raised by a public keenly aware of the many crises in society. Return to Order Spreading Far and Wide

Return to Order Signing in St. Louis
At an April 21 book signing in St. Louis, Mo., author John Horvat II presented his work, Return to Order: From a Frenzied Economy to an Organic Christian Society—Where We’ve Been, How We Got Here, and Where We Need to Go to St. Joe’s Java coffee shop.

Nearly thirty people attended the signing at the small shop which is actually located in the nearby suburb of St. Charles. St. Joe’s Java and adjoining bookstore is a special apostolate of Lu Cortese who often holds Catholic events at this location. Her main operation however, is St. Joseph’s Radio. Behind the coffee shop, there is an extensive recording studio that produces quality Catholic programming for radio and television. Her film crew was on hand to film the presentation of the book by its author.

A “Fire Station” Book Signing
It seemed the most unlikely place for a book signing. This was a traditional fire station a stone’s throw from the state capitol building in Topeka, Kansas. The place no longer serves its original purpose but is preserved by an association and used for public events.

However, in a certain sense it was a fitting place for the April 27 book signing of the work, Return to Order: From a Frenzied Economy to an Organic Christian Society—Where We’ve Been, How We Got Here, and Where We Need to Go.

Author John Horvat II noted that fire stations exist to deal with material disasters which one can never know exactly when or how they will come about. That is why society defends itself against future disaster by setting up fire stations with all the elements to deal with the fires when they come.

In a similar way, Mr. Horvat explained, his new book cannot tell exactly when or how the coming economic disaster will take place but it can help readers understand the present crisis and its causes; it provides elements that are at hand to fight against these future calamities.

Nearly seventy people attended the “fire station” signing. People came from all parts of Kansas to discuss issues and enter into the debate proposed by the book. Francis Slobodnik, director of the American TFP’s Kansas office, did an excellent job of organizing the event and introducing the speaker. The talk introducing the book ended with questions and answers. There was plenty of time for conversation and refreshments.

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