Pope Francis Portal

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Pope Francis Portal
Pope Francis Portal

Here are some insightful articles that reveal the positions of Pope Francis on major moral, spiritual and political issues:

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On Pope Francis’s ‘Mea Culpa’ in Canada

Will Pope Francis Approve Homosexual Sin Denying Catholic Doctrine?

Pope Francis Calls Cuba a Symbol—of What?

How Pope Francis’s Canadian Trip Undermines the Traditional Catholic Concept of the Missions

Pope Francis’s Warm Welcome to Nancy Pelosi: A (not so) Subtle Message of Support for Abortionists

Father Martin Smiles at the Sin of Homosexuality and Pope Francis Thanks Him

Why Was the Cross Missing From the Podium Where Pope Francis Spoke to Immigrants in Malta?

Fr. Martin’s LGBT Activism Continues in Catholic circles, aided by Pope Francis

Pope Francis: “The Church Is the Community of Saved Sinners”

Pope Francis’s New “Justice” and His Egalitarian “Synodal Church”

Is Pope Francis Changing Just the Church’s Tone on LGBT People or Also the Doctrine?

Did Pope Francis Tell President Biden to Continue Receiving Holy Communion?

Pope Francis’s 9 Commandments for a Just Economy Forgets the First One

Three Things That Won’t Happen at President Biden’s Meeting with Pope Francis

Pope Francis Supports Sodomy and Holy Communion for Pro-Abortion Politicians

Why Is God Missing in the ‘Economy of Francesco’?

Pope Francis’s Traditionis Custodes and the Traditional Latin Mass

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In a Handwritten Letter, Pope Francis Endorses Fr. Martin’s Pro-homosexual Activism

For Pope Francis, the Holy Eucharist Is the “Bread of Sinners,” for Saint Thomas Aquinas, It Is “Panis Angelorum”

Let Pope Francis Speak Out

Four Things We Should Expect From the Meeting of Pope Francis and President Biden on June 15

Will Pope Francis Rehabilitate Camilo Torres, the Marxist Guerrilla Priest?

Is Pope Francis Enabling Homo-Heresy Inside the Church?

Pope Francis and His Obscene Judas Painting

Pope Francis, a “Critical Devotee” of Mary, the Co-Redemptrix of Our Fallen Human Race

Pope Francis Approves Curia Note Condemning Same-sex “Marriage” While Appointing Notorious Homosexual to Pontifical Commission

Pope Francis’s “Abrahamic Religions”

Pope Francis: If You’re Not With the Council Then You’re Not With the Church! And the Council? Is it With the Church?

For Pope Francis, “Abortion Is Not a Primarily Religious Matter”

Pope Francis’s Idolatrous Nativity Scene Is the Opposite of Saint Francis’s

Pope Francis Endorses Same-Sex Civil Unions, but Something Intrinsically Evil Cannot Be the Object of Legal Rights

Meet the Radical “Eco-Theologian” Behind the Economy of Francis

Fratelli Tutti: A Socialist-Utopian, Ecumenical-Interreligious Encyclical

Faithful Resistance to Pope Francis’s Call for Civil Union Laws

Pope Francis’s New Ostpolitik with Communist China Is Just Like the Old One

Pope Francis’s Nightmare of a World Without Borders

I’m Catholic. Can I Disagree With Pope Francis on Property?

Pope Francis Submits to Religious Leaders Opposed to Our Lord Jesus Christ

Prophecies of Our Lady of Good Success About Our Times

The Pachamama, Pope Francis, and the Pandemic

Resisting the Grave Errors in Pope Francis’s Apostolic Exhortation Querida Amazonia

Pope Francis: “Show Me Your Friends, and I’ll Tell You Who You Are”

Having Worshipped Pachamama, Pope Francis Now Disparages Mary’s Co-Redeeming Role

A Confidant Says Pope Francis Denies Jesus’s Divinity: Where Is His Indignant Refutation?

Sins of Impurity? No Worries, Says Pope Francis

Pope Invites Pro-abortion UN Leaders to Amazon Synod

Pope Francis: “It’s an Honor That the Americans Attack Me”

Environmental Psychosis and the New Socialism

The Cynical Myth of a Global Warming “Consensus”

The Church at the Service of the Neo-Pagan Agenda

These Are the Destructive Goals of the Pan-Amazon Synod

Why Integral Ecology Will Destroy Civilization

The Amazon Synod and the Vatican’s Radical Environmentalism

Is the Amazon Synod Going to Lead Us to Eco-Socialism?

Pope Francis Denies the Church’s Sanctity: “Surprised in Flagrant Adultery”

Theological and Canonical Implications of the Declaration Signed by Pope Francis in Abu Dhabi

Chilean Scholar Offers Thorough Assessment, Balanced Response Rooted in Tradition

Pope Francis’s Teaching on the Death Penalty: A Rupture With Divine Revelation and the Church’s Constant Teaching

Dangers of Pope Francis’ ‘Paradigm Shift’: An Urgently Needed Discernment

Book Shows Pope Francis Favors a Classless Society

Pope Francis’s “Sin of the Elite” and New, Egalitarian Mariology

What Is the Meaning of Pope Francis’s New Gesture?

“Pope Francis’s ‘Paradigm Shift’” Helps Catholics Oppose Radical Change in the Church

TFP Statement on Pope Francis’s “Paradigm Shift”: Resist as Saint Paul Teaches

Pope Francis: A Paradigm Shift in the Church’s Position on Homosexual Sin?

Theological and Canonical Implications of the Declaration Signed by Pope Francis in Abu Dhabi
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Pope Francis’s “Paradigm Shift”: Continuity or Rupture in the Mission of the Church? An Assessment of His Pontificate’s First Five Years

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Looking at Laudato Si’ in Theory and Practice

Notes on the Unacceptable Philosophy and Theology of Laudato Si’

Asking Pope Francis to Address “Doubts” About Amoris Laetitia and Communism

Statement on Amoris Laetitia Claims Serious Break with Church Teaching, Dangers to Marriage and the Family

Amoris Laetitia Opens the Gates of the Church and Society for a Programmed Demolition of Marriage and the Family

Pope Francis’ Symbolic Gesture Commemorating Heretic Luther

Final result of the “Filial Appeal to His Holiness Pope Francis On the Future of the Family”

Pope Francis in Cuba: A TFP Communiqué

“There Is No Moral Virtue in Being Wrong” — Interview with Dr. Calvin Beisner of the Cornwall Alliance on the Encyclical Laudato Si’

Voice of the Family’s Statement on the Encyclical Laudato Si’

Scientists in Rome to Advise Pope Francis on Climate Policy

Quo Vadis, Domine? Reverent and Filial Message to His Holiness Pope Francis from Prince Bertrand of Orleans-Braganza

The Approval of Same-sex “Marriage” in Illinois and Pope Francis’s Statements