Polish March for Life and Family 2010

Polish March for Life and Family 2010
A new generation of pro-life and pro-family Poles who publicly affirm their Catholic moral values.

June 4, 2010 marked the fifth annual March for Life and Family in Warsaw, Poland. Well over 6000 pro-family Poles participated in the event, which has grown over 300 percent since the first one in 2006. It is organized by the TFP-inspired Stowarzyszenie Kultury Chrzescijanskiej im. Ks. Piotra Skargi (Fr. Peter Skarga Association for Christian Culture) and the Foundation Committee for the Celebration of the National Day of Life.

The crowd consisted mostly of young people and families with children. They represent a new generation of pro-life and pro-family Poles who publicly affirm their Catholic moral values. Also present were several Members of Parliament and political candidates. The March was also attended by numerous members of the TFP who came from the United States, Germany, Portugal, Brazil, France and Poland who carried their large red banners and flags representing their respective countries.

A large crowd marched carrying flags, balloons and signs that read, “Every Child has the Right to Birth,” “Green Light for the Family,” and “Sex-Ed is Depravity.” They also proclaimed slogans that rhymed in Polish, such as: “Lower taxes for the Father and Mother,” and “One Man and One Woman is the Only True Family.”

The march ended with inspiring speeches given by several guests of honor including Mr. Slawomir Olejniczak, president of the Fr. Peter Skarga Association for Christian Culture, who urged the pro-lifers to “exert influence and pressure upon government leaders to preserve the autonomy of the family which is the foundation of society and the state.”

This Pro-Family March was needed more than ever in Poland. Currently, the institution of the family is threatened by the recent introduction of a piece of legislation aimed at reducing domestic violence. It insinuates that the family is a source of violence toward children because children are disciplined by parents. If passed, it will severely restrict a parent’s right to bring up their children consistent with Catholic moral values. This will devastate the institution of the family and consequently, society as a whole in Poland.

Catholic Poland is overwhelmingly against this proposed legislation, abortion, same-sex “marriage” and many other modern day threats to the family. The nation takes seriously the statements made by the Vatican against the practice of abortion and homosexuality and sees them as attacks upon Christian Civilization and the family.

For this reason, Poland revoked its communist era abortion laws after the fall of the Iron Curtain. Unfortunately, abortion is still legal under very restricted circumstances such as when the pregnancy results from a crime, when the baby is diagnosed with a genetic imperfection or when the mother’s life or health is in danger. While all of these exceptions are condemned by the Holy Catholic Church, Polish law stills allows for them and they must be overturned.

About 150-200 such abortions are still committed each year according to official records. Homosexual “unions” are not legal but leftist radicals, feminists and those promoting the homosexual agenda are trying hard to impose acceptance of the homosexual lifestyle upon society and even target young children with pro-homosexual textbooks.

Seeing all of these attacks upon the integrity of their country, it is not surprising that the March for Life is increasing by thousands every year. They march with the hope that their voices will be heard by the policy makers who are largely responsible for these attacks, and to let them know that forcing anti-Catholic laws upon Poland will not go unopposed. We can only hope that many more will come to realize the moral crisis in their country and join the march.

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