The Boys Scouts of America Pushes LGBT Agenda on Children

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The Boys Scouts of America Pushes LGBT Agenda on Children

To be more inclusive, The Boys Scouts of America (BSA) is officially changing its name to “Scouting America.” This is one more step caving into the homosexual movement:

  • The Boy Scouts allowed homosexual-identifying boys in 2013.
  • The BSA stopped its ban on homosexual adult scoutmasters in 2015.
  • In 2017, the organization started allowing girls who identify as “transgender” to join its boys-only programs.
  • In 2018, they granted full membership to girls.

In the name of inclusion, the BSA showed more and more support for homosexuality, transgenderism, gender ideology and LGBTQ+ errors. Now, this effort at “inclusion” comes as the BSA fights turmoil over bankruptcy and more than 80,000 sexual abuse cases.

Before the name change officially happens on February 8, 2025, please sign this petition, and protest the betrayal of the mission of BSA! We will not support the Boy Scouts as long as they are pushing the LGBTQ+ agenda.

Tell The Boys Scouts of America Not to Submit to the LGBT Agenda! Sign Now!

The name change is scheduled for February 8, 2025, the organization’s 115th birthday.

President and CEO Roger Krone has admitted, “Membership is at historic lows.” “Part of my job is to reduce all the barriers I possibly can for people to accept us as an organization and to join.” “In the next 100 years, we want any youth in America to feel very, very welcome to come into our programs.”

It seems that Mr. Krone has abandoned the founding principles of BSA in favor of membership growth.

“[This name change] sends this really strong message to everyone in America that they can come to this program, they can bring their authentic self, they can be who they are, and they will be welcomed here.”

One cannot encourage virtue and welcome vice in the same organization.

Stop The Boys Scouts of America from Pushing the LGBT Agenda!

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To: Roger Krone, President and CEO of The Boys Scouts of America,

I am appalled that The Boys Scouts of America is changing its name to “Scouting America.”

This name change, for the sake of inclusion, reflects a moral decline in the BSA.

The BSA is submitting to the homosexual agenda by supporting homosexuality, transgenderism, gender ideology and all LGBTQ+ ideas.

Because of this, I demand that you stop pushing the LGBT agenda on our innocent children and sincerely apologize for these actions.
