Tell Hilton Hotels To Stop Teaching 12-year-olds How to Become drag queens

Radical LGBT activists are targeting our children right now!

The latest example comes from an organization called “Minus18,” which is teaching 12-year-olds how to become ‘drag queens.’ How sick!

These shocking events are being sponsored by none other than the Australian branch of Hilton, the popular hotel company!

How Can This Be? I Will Demand Hilton Immediately Stop Promoting These Disgusting Events

“Minus18,” which specifically targets minors, hosts an array of scandalous events held both virtually and in person.

Perhaps one of the most shocking events is called “Drag101.” The event will be hosted by a drag performer named Justin. The sign-up page for this digital event outlines the disturbing details of this event:

  • Hear about how Justin started his drag journey and get tips on how to start your own.”
  • “You’ll also get to meet a bunch of new pals – all of whom will share your love of drag!
  • Build your own drag persona so that you’re ready to hit the stage. Every drag performer needs a name, personality and sense of style, so we’ll help you form yours!” [Emphasis added]

By the way, the first “Drag101” event is scheduled to take place tomorrow!

This Is Disgusting! Sign Now and Demand These Events Get Cancelled!

Other events include a number of “Queer Formals,” where confused children are encouraged to pursue unnatural relationships in person! How sad!

However, the Hilton company seems to like grooming our kids. The Australian branch of the hotel company released this statement:

“Hilton’s inclusive culture keeps diversity at the centre of everything we do… As a global hospitality company, we are delighted to have this opportunity to support Minus18 in their efforts to change the lives of even more LGBTQIA+ teens.” [Emphasis added]

In fact, a “Rainbow Formal” was just hosted at one of Hilton’s hotels in Sydney! And if we don’t do anything, there will be many, many more!

I Cannot Let That Happen! Hilton Must Revoke This Partnership Immediately!

If we don’t take action, these events will continue to corrupt the minds of countless children – indefinitely. Even 12-year-olds won’t be spared!

That’s why I’m asking you to sign now, and make sure that Hilton stops promoting these horrible events!

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To: Paul Hutton, Head of Hilton, Australasia

I am appalled that you have sponsored the group “Minus18,” which targets young, impressionable children!

We live in a world abounding with immorality and vice. Yet, events like “Rainbow Formals” attempt to normalize these sins and start our children off on the wrong foot.

This is plain and simply unacceptable!

I demand that you immediately revoke this partnership and publically urge “Minus18” to stop attacking the innocence of our children!
