Sign Now! Sacrilege Inside St. Patrick’s Cathedral Calls for Public Reparation

Stand up against this sacrilege at St. Patrick’s Cathedral!

Mocking everything sacred, the notorious pro-transgender activist known as Cecilia Gentili (a man) was given a funeral service organized by the homosexual movement in St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City on Feb. 15, 2024.

The New York Times reports:

“The service on Thursday was an event that most likely had no precedent in Catholic history. The pews were packed with mourners, many of them transgender, who wore daring high-fashion outfits and cheered as eulogists led them in praying for transgender rights and access to gender-affirming health care.” (NYT, Feb. 17, 2024)

Breitbart further explains:

“An image of Gentili with a halo, surrounded by the Spanish words for ‘whore,’ ‘transvestite,’ ‘blessed,’ and ‘mother’ was placed at the foot of the altar for the Feb. 15 event, which was attended by some 1000 people, many of whom appeared in drag.” (Breitbart, Feb 19, 2024)

Protest this outrageous slap against God!

According to the Catholic News Agency:

“Throughout the liturgy, the presider, Father Edward Dougherty, referred to Gentili with feminine pronouns and described the trans-identifying man as ‘our sister’ […] while attendees frequently and approvingly referred to Gentili as the ‘mother of whores.’” (CNA, Feb. 16, 2024)

“A rendition of the ‘Ave Maria’ by the cathedral cantor was interrupted when an attendee shouted ‘Ave Cecilia!’ and danced down the center aisle.” (CNA, Feb. 16, 2024)

The New York Times adds:

“The Rev. James Martin, a well-known Jesuit writer who advocates a more inclusive approach from the church, said it was ‘wonderful’ that St. Patrick’s had agreed to hold Ms. Gentili’s funeral.” (NYT, Feb. 15, 2024)

Please sign your peaceful protest now!

Did you ever imagine such a pro-transgender blasphemy would be hosted by the very shepherds who are called to protect the sheep, but instead act like wolves?

We must firmly resist every effort to normalize blasphemy and homosexual vice inside the Holy Catholic Church and do our utmost to protect the integrity of the truth and stand with Our Lord Jesus Christ and the holy and consistent teaching of His Church over 2,000 years.

This public sacrilege calls for public reparation.

  • Enough is enough!
  • Sign your peaceful protest now.
  • God bless you for defending the Faith.

If you want to call the Archdiocese of New York, please do so with polite firmness.

His Eminence, Timothy Cardinal Dolan
Archbishop of New York
Office: 212-371-1000

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To: Cardinal Timothy Dolan, Archbishop of New York

With sorrow and disgust, I heard about the public sacrilege held inside St. Patrick’s Cathedral on February 15, 2024. The funeral “service” for a pro-LGBT activist and avowed atheist, which included lewd drag queens applauding sin and mocking the Church, defiled the house of God as never before in history.

I prayerfully hope Your Eminence will formally repair the blasphemy and sacrilege committed against Jesus and Mary with real and lasting measures, including acts of public reparation to God.
