“Ms Rachel” Manipulates the Bible to Indoctrinate Toddlers with the LGBT Agenda

“Ms. Rachel” is a YouTuber who makes educational videos for toddlers. She has over 10 million subscribers and often gets over 100,000,000 views!

With her wide following, Rachel Accurso made a TikTok video to celebrate LGBT “pride” month. The video was all about acceptance and “love.”

To love a homosexual is to want them to stop sinning, not accept their sin.

Protest Now! Demand that Rachel Accurso Apologize!

In this recent TikTok video, she said, “Happy pride to all of our wonderful family and friends. This month and every month, I celebrate you. I’m so glad you’re here. I’m so glad you’re exactly who you are.”

She must have received some negative feedback because soon after, she published another video in which she doubled down on her position.

Accurso declared that she shares prayers on her videos and says God bless because she cares about her faith.

She then went on to describe the part in Saint Matthew’s gospel where one of the doctors of the law asked Our Lord what the most important commandment was. Accurso then perverted Our Lord’s most perfect and wise answer.

Jesus says to love God and to love your neighbor as yourself… So yes, everyone belongs, everyone’s welcome, and everyone is treated with empathy and respect. It doesn’t say love every neighbor ‘except.’”

Our Lord can only mean love defined as charity, and if one is to have charity toward homosexuals, that means to lead them out of sin—not bless it!

Some one with these opinions should not be leading our little children.

Please Sign to Demand that Rachel Accurso Take Back Her Support for Sin!

Rachel Accurso is not only pushing the homosexual agenda, but she twists Our Lord’s teachings to do it.

She must be forgetting about how seriously Jesus dealt with people who scandalized little children.

In just two chapters before the one that she referenced, Our Lord said:

But he that shall scandalize one of these little ones that believe in Me, it were better for him that a millstone should be hanged about his neck, and that he should be drowned in the depth of the sea… See that you despise not one of these little ones: for I say to you, that their angels in heaven always see the face of My Father who is in heaven.”

Defend our little children’s innocence by signing this petition today!

Even more astounding, “Ms Rachel” invited the infamous Dylan Mulvaney of Budweiser fame to be on her children’s show according to The Post Millennial.

Don’t wait! The innocence of children is at stake. Please take a stand and fight for these children.

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To: Rachel Accurso

Your TikTok videos, which promotes the homosexual agenda and distort Our Lord Jesus Christ’s teaching, are unacceptable.

Such statements can lead young children into error by normalizing the homosexual lifestyle, which is unacceptable and very upsetting.

I demand that you remove the video and immediately and apologize.
