Petition for Traditional Marriage at Millersville University

Petition for Traditional Marriage at Millersville UniversityOn Monday, November 15, three TFP volunteers traveled to Millersville University near Lancaster, Pennsylvania, their latest stop to defend traditional marriage on university campuses.

Alvaro Zapata, and James Bascom manned a table outside the cafeteria at the Student Memorial Center. Showing great interest, hundreds of students visited the TFP’s table to talk and pick up literature. Dozens of students signed a petition to President Bush, urging him to support the Marriage Protection Amendment now making its way through Congress, codifying marriage as between one man and one woman.

The reception to the TFP’s presence on campus was met with praise and condemnation. Most of the students who expressed their opinion supported traditional marriage and signed the TFP’s petition. A vocal few were indignant. However, their cries of “Get off my campus!” or “You shouldn’t be allowed here!” were overshadowed with favorable cheers such as “Thanks for coming!” “Finally someone is standing up for morality,” “Don’t listen to these people!” and “You’re welcome here at our campus.”

At the end of the day, many seeds were planted at Millersville University. May those seeds, with the help of Our Lady, bear much fruit for the glory of God and the restoration of the family in America.

Here are the results of the student survey taken at Millersville University:

1. What single issue do you think determined the outcome of the presidential election?
9% The abortion debate
15% Same-sex “marriage”
50% War on Terror/War in Iraq
4% Economy
22% other

2. George Washington in his Farewell Address declared: “Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports.” Do you agree with this statement?
49% Yes
32% No
19% Undecided

3. Do you think politicians should govern America according to the principles set forth in the Ten Commandments?
38% Yes
49% No
13% Undecided

4. In your opinion, is liberty an absolute value?
37% Yes, I’m free to do whatever I want
49% No, liberty without limits harms society
9% Undecided
5% Other

5. If liberty is not absolute, who decides what those limits are?
34% A general consensus
11% We cannot know
22% The Church
19% The State
14% Other

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