Novena to Our Lady of the Rosary – Day 3

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October 7 is the feast day of Our Lady of the Rosary.

Prayer for Day 3

O Mary Immaculate, who at Fatima made known to Lucia, Francisco, and Jacinta God’s request for devotion to thy Immaculate Heart to obtain peace in the world, restore in our souls that “tranquility of order” of which Saint Augustine speaks. We do not seek rest from our labors or the cessation of turmoil in our surroundings, but that true interior peace of which thou art Queen.

O Queen of Peace, restore harmony in our families, order in our society, so ravaged by the evils of sin. Through thy powerful intercession with the Prince of Peace, Who assumed our human nature in thy virginal womb, obtain for us perseverance in virtue, patience in trial, courage in persecution, zeal for His glory, enthusiasm in loving and serving our God, and confidence in the public defense of His Holy Name and of His divine and natural laws.

(Here mention your request)

Our Father….
Hail Mary….
Glory Be….

Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima, pray for us!

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