Energy Transfer Sues Greenpeace: Will It Face Bankruptcy?

Energy Transfer Sues Greenpeace: Will It Face Bankruptcy?

“Everybody is afraid of these environmental groups and the fear that it may look wrong if you fight back with these people, but what they did to us is wrong, and they’re gonna pay for it.” The speaker is Kelcy Warren. He runs Energy Transfer, which moves so-called fossil fuels from one … Read more

Unlock the Truth: ‘Return to Order’ Now Available in Portuguese

Unlock the Truth: ‘Return to Order’ Now Available in Portuguese

The award-winning book Return to Order, written by American author John Horvat II, has been translated into Brazilian Portuguese. The book analyzes the present-day crisis and proposes solutions based on the concept of an organic Christian society. The Livraria Petrus imprint has published the new edition in São Paulo, Brazil. The book … Read more

Treating Chronic Absenteeism Like a Psychological Disorder Cripples America’s Children

Treating Chronic Absenteeism Like a Psychological Disorder Cripples America’s Children

The education press is all abuzz about “chronic absenteeism.” As is usual with conversations among the educationists and educrats, they miss the point entirely. Occasionally, they ask the right questions, but their philosophies don’t provide answers, just new psychological dilemmas. “Skipping school” is nothing new. I vividly remember high school freshman orientation … Read more

Pope Francis’ Modernist Indifferentism

Pope Francis' Modernist Indifferentism

“There is one God, one faith, one baptism” (Eph 4:5.) “Whoever is not with Me is against Me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters.” (Lk 11:23.) “Without a doubt, they will perish forever, unless they hold the Catholic faith whole and inviolate.”  (Symbol of Saint Athanasius) Pope Francis has taken … Read more

Why We Must Oppose the Postmodern Attack on the West

Why We Must Oppose the Postmodern Attack on the West

It has become fashionable to attack “the West.” The term no longer expresses the certainties it once did. Thus, it has proven to be a ready scapegoat to blame for so many of the world’s ills. Both the left and right share this criticism. Gone is the secure, unified world it once … Read more

Eliminating Private Property: Radicals and the Housing Shortage

Eliminating Private Property: Radicals and the Housing Shortage

The phrase “housing shortage” is gaining traction in America’s political discourse. As it does, leftists have devised plans that they say will alleviate the “crisis.” Unsurprisingly, all these schemes feature a massive increase in the government’s role in this vital area of daily life. An Affordable American Dream? The goal of homeownership … Read more

A Report on the War on Patriarchy

A Report on the War on Patriarchy

What do free love, fornication, adultery, unnatural vice, Spiritism, the occult, Satanism, radical egalitarianism, revolution, socialism, communism, hatred and willful homicide have in common? The answer: Feminism. The End of Woman: How Smashing the Patriarchy Has Destroyed Us is well worth reading. Author Carrie Gress traces the history of the feminist movement … Read more