New Jersey Catholics Pray for the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Standing in front of the State Capitol Building in Trenton, New Jersey, on July 17, Catholics assembled to pray the full Rosary as part of the “Mary, Mother of Mercy, Restore America” campaign.  Launched by the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family, and Property (TFP), this campaign’s mission is to beseech God to grant America the graces of calm, courage, and confidence in public Rosary Rallies held at each of the nation’s fifty state capitals.

This prayer effort comes on top of the coronavirus crisis and the riots that have devastated the nation. This need is felt more than ever, in light of socialist regulation and the lockdown of church doors. 

In conversation with a TFP member, one lady vented her exasperation. “Catholics have been abandoned by the clergy,” she said. “I’ve been going to an ‘underground’ church.”

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The participants valued the long-awaited opportunity to appear in public and bear witness to the Faith. Leo Fitzsimmons, a New Jersey native, was thrilled to lead the Rosary. Between decades, his booming voice appealed to Our Lady of Victory and other invocations to seek heavenly aid for the nation in confusion.

The scene of the rally was chaotic. The capitol building had a large number of windows that were either boarded up or replaced. The site had building materials all abound and was surrounded by a fence. The TFP members later understood that what looked like the fruit of riots was actually construction and restoration work. However, the scene did bring to mind recent memories of other capitols buildings damaged by “peaceful” protesters. “This disorder reminds me of some other rosary rallies in other states,” admitted Joseph Gensens, a TFP volunteer. “However, in those states, the capitol buildings that were also spray painted, the facades defaced and windows shattered by bricks.”

Rosary Rallies for America

Several Catholics came from out of state to participate. “When are you coming to New York?” asked one man, a Knight of Columbus. “We really need this in New York City.” He offered to provide a night’s lodging and meals for the TFP members.

An Irish lady described her family situation and their search for peace. “My family has moved many times, trying to find the right place.” Now, rosary in hand, she has one last plan of action. “We cannot flee any longer. We must stand and fight.”

At the center of this rally was a miraculous International Pilgrim Virgin Statue of Our Lady of Fatima. This statue was carved under the personal direction of Sister Lucy, one of the Fatima seers. It cried human tears in 1972 while in the decadent city of New Orleans. After the Rosary, everyone passed by Our Lady to pray and beseech her mercy for America.

To close the rally, Our Lady was taken in procession to a waiting vehicle, and all followed close behind, singing traditional Marian hymns. As the Pilgrim Virgin was placed in the car, everyone offered their final farewells.

This scene was interrupted by a familiar booming voice coming from a nearby car. It was Leo giving the TFP battle cry of “Tradition! Family! Property!” The TFP members joined in, ending the cry with “America! America! America!” Leo waved and drove off.  Indeed, this rally represented the great fight for the heart and soul of this great nation.

May Our Lady look upon her children’s efforts with mercy and hasten the triumph of her Immaculate Heart.

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