An estimated 500,000 pro-lifers flooded the Mall and the surrounding area of the nation’s capital to protest the heinous sin of abortion and enthusiastically proclaim that innocent life must be protected. The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP), joined the pro-lifers by marching in defense of God’s law and the most basic moral value and human right, the right to life. For the first time, the President of the United States spoke at the event.
Sister organizations of the American TFP also showed support by marching. Participating were the Instituto Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira (Brazil), Irish Society for Christian Civilisation (Ireland), Droit de Naître (France), and Voglio Vivere (Italy).
Failure of the Pro-Abortion Lobby
The March for Life is a testimony of the powerful momentum of the pro-life movement. Last week, a failed Women’s March occurred in the same city, giving the impression of a losing cause.
The contrast is stark. The pro-abortion movement is struggling, divided, and discouraged, while the pro-life movement is beaming with youth, vitality, and unmatched enthusiasm.
Keeping God’s Law at the Center of the Fight for America
The March for Life is a sign that the pro-life pulse in America is stronger than ever, something that the pro-abortion lobby is unable to dampen. More and more concerned Americans are having recourse to God and His Blessed Mother to aid them in the fight against abortion.
Historic: First President to Attend March for Life
The highlight, which served to boost the morale of the marchers, was the historic appearance of President Donald Trump, who gave a speech in person at the rally.
He praised the efforts of pro-lifers in their resolve to defend innocent life.
“Young people are the heart of the March for Life. And it’s your generation that is making America the pro-family, pro-life nation,” he affirmed.
He continued, “Every human life, born and unborn, is made in the holy image of Almighty God.”
10 Reasons Why Abortion Is Evil
Closing his speech, he declared, “We will defend this truth all across our magnificent land.”
Defeat is Not an Option
Americans must persist in their fight for a country with God and His law front and center. In this fight, defeat is not an option, and compromise is cowardly. Pro-lifers must not back down and should redouble their efforts to make sure that abortion is eradicated.
In the beautiful words of Saint Joan of Arc, “In God’s name, the soldiers will fight, and God will give them victory.”
Pro-Life vs. Pro-Abortion — Amazing Contrast of 2 Marches