NBC Show Insults the Holy Eucharist

We call on all who love Our Lord in the Holy Eucharist to speak out today in defense of this Most Sacred part of the Catholic faith.
We call on all who love Our Lord in the Holy Eucharist to speak out today in defense of this Most Sacred part of the Catholic faith.

According to the Catholic League, on February 22, NBC aired an unspeakably blasphemous episode of the sitcom “Committed,” in which two non-Catholics accidentally receive the Holy Eucharist at a funeral Mass. Uncertain of what to do, they attempt to slip it into a priests pocket and even placing the Host on a tray of cheese and crackers.

A priest, apparently unable to tell the difference between the Blessed Sacrament and a cracker, is unwilling to eat it, since it is the last one on the tray. Finally, he calls out, “What the hell!” and eats it.

In one particularly offensive scene, they accidentally flush what they think is the Sacred Host down the toilet.

Many Catholics feel that this episode makes a mockery of what Catholics hold sacred and have already raised their voices in protest. America Needs Fatima Director Robert Ritchie stated: “In my opinion, NBC has aired a direct attack on the Catholic Church by mocking and degrading the Sacred Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. You and I must demand an official and unqualified apology from NBC for this most offensive show.”

And this is exactly what the TFP web site intends to do. It is calling on all who love Our Lord in the Holy Eucharist to speak out today in defense of this Most Sacred part of the Catholic faith.

However, just speaking out is not enough. Reparation must also be made to Our Lord, since He was the target of the show’s mockery. Thus, the TFP web site is also asking faithful Catholics to pledge one hour of adoration before the Blessed Sacrament in reparation for this blasphemy.

Turn your holy anger into effective action right now. Demand an apology from NBC and pledge an hour of adoration in reparation for this blasphemy. Do it now.

Turning the other cheek does not include being indifferent to such a blatant attack on God in the Holy Eucharist.

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