March for Life in Reading Draws Hundreds

March for Life in Reading Draws HundredsHundreds of pro-lifers spent their Sunday afternoon on May 20 attending the second annual March for Life in Reading, Pennsylvania. The TFP’s Holy Choirs of Angels Band provided rousing patriotic music for the two-mile trek as marchers made their way through the streets of Reading to their final destination, Holy Rosary Catholic Church.

Before the march even hit the pavement, several speakers exhorted those gathered to fight abortion as well as the HHS contraception mandate that especially targets Catholic individuals and institutions.

The sending forth speech was given by Fr. Paul Rothemel who gave his blessing. During this final address, a group of children gathered around the podium to take up crosses representing the millions of surgical abortions performed in America since Roe v. Wade.

The march passed by the Planned Parenthood center where some of those millions of abortions are performed on a regular basis. It was a symbolic gesture, an act of reparation for the innocent lives lost to the horrors of abortion and the nihilistic culture from which it was spawned. May Our Lady present our prayer before the throne of God and hasten the day when abortion will finally be made unthinkable in America.

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