Major Ad Campaign Blanketing Oregon Claims Catholics Must Affirm Faith in Public Lives

Major Ad Campaign Blanketing Oregon Claims Catholics Must Affirm Faith in Public Lives
On Sunday, October 17, residents in all of Oregon’s major cities could read full-page ads that claim it is not enough that Catholic politicians simply have the Faith, but they must also affirm it publicly.

The statement, “Catholics Must Affirm Their Faith in Their Public Lives” appeared in Portland’s Oregonian as well as five other papers in Bend, Eugene, Medford, Pendleton and Salem.

The declaration by the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) focuses on the controversy around receiving the Eucharist by politicians publicly at odds with the Catholic Church’s teaching on abortion, homosexuality, same-sex “marriage” and other issues.

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The TFP document cites 13 bishops who have affirmed that such politicians cannot receive Holy Communion in good conscience. The bishops’ statements reflect a growing consensus among clergy and faithful alike that Church teaching cannot be ignored by those who publicly identify themselves as Catholics.

“It is no longer the case of an isolated bishop making a statement,” says TFP president Raymond Drake. “Nearly twenty bishops have now spoken out.”

The TFP statement refutes many of the arguments used by secularist and liberal Catholics to defuse the debate. It accuses the liberals of politicizing the debate and denying the Church its right to speak out.

“To say that the Church may not make moral pronouncements that have political consequences is to say the Church cannot promote morality,” the statement affirms.

The TFP claims that those bishops who have come to the defense of the Blessed Sacrament and reminded Catholics of their public duties at this crossroads in American history represent two thousand years of Church tradition.

The American TFP is a civic organization of Catholic inspirations. It has entered into the same-sex “marriage” debate with the publication of the 2004 book, Defending a Higher Law: Why We Must Resist Same-Sex “Marriage” and the Homosexual Movement by the TFP Committee on American Issues which carries the endorsement of three American bishops.

Major Ad Campaign Blanketing Oregon Claims Catholics Must Affirm Faith in Public Lives


The full text of the statement can be found at:

Click here to order a copy of Defending a Higher Law: Why We Must Resist Same-Sex “Marriage” and the Homosexual Movement.


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