July 28 – Staten Island, New York

July 28 - Staten Island, New York“We’re with you. We’ve been married fifty-three years,” said a cheerful husband and wife as they passed by. To give you an idea how much the average American on the street supports traditional marriage, whenever we go from one place to another and our honks signs are even slightly visible, the honks start up immediately. Even if the sign is partially visible or upside down, the honks will invariably begin almost instantly.

Meeting Fr. Frank Pavone

We had the pleasant surprise of meeting Fr. Frank Pavone, leader of Priests for Life, as we campaigned today on Staten Island. Many of my TFP colleagues recognized Fr. Pavone from the annual March for Life in Washington, D.C. and he graciously gave us his priestly blessing as we gathered on the sidewalk for a brief conversation.

I would like to stress something: After campaigning throughout New York City, we’ve not found one neighborhood or intersection that has received our message coldly. Across the board, the support for God’s marriage has been enthusiastic and constant. We’ve met people of all imaginable backgrounds, rich and poor, old and young, including immigrants from a large variety of different countries. They all overwhelmingly support marriage as God made it.

“What if I punch you in the face?”

However, seeing how the TFP campaign is rallying so much support for marriage, there are isolated cases of people who attempt to stop our campaign.

Today, for example, as we peacefully stood at the intersection, a pro-homosexual man ripped up one of our fliers, then threatened to punch Mr. Peter Miller in the face. “What if I punch you in the face?” he said.

“If you do, we will call the police and you might go to jail,” replied Mr. Miller.

“Do you know who I am? I have so many connections, I would get out of jail in seconds,” said the hostile man.

“Oh, so you’re not exactly for equal ‘rights,'” pondered Mr. Miller.

The pro-homosexual man then kicked mulch dirt at Mr. Miller, walked down the sidewalk, tore a sign away from Anthony Consoli and threw it into the street. Then he tried to kick and rip Mr. Cesar Franco’s sign away too. He failed, but his language was blasphemous against God. One of my colleagues politely asked him to just be tolerant. But he said: “I am not tolerant to people like you.”

Conversations From Car to Car

At the light, drivers will talk to the person in the car one lane over. This is New York City. One man was so happy with the campaign that he told the lady in the car next to him to roll down her window. He wanted to give her another reason to oppose same-sex “marriage.” He said: “If everyone were homosexual, we wouldn’t have any more people, the world population would die out.”

Police officers arrived on two separate occasions. Both times, they saw no problem with our peaceful and orderly demonstration and allowed us to continue.

Entrance to the University of Staten Island

Our last campaign of the day was at the entrance to the University of Staten Island. Rush hour traffic was moving at a sluggish pace and that is a good thing if you are holding signs. It gives people a chance to read them, and of course, time to honk and honk again. In fact, we adopted a new sign today after hearing that our Caravan in upstate New York had used it with great success. On one side, the new sign reads: Honk for traditional marriage – 1 man + woman. The addition is on the flipside of the side. It now read: God bless you… Now keep honking. The sign generate smiles and well… just more honking.

From the Mailbox:

John, Delighted to know that you have the St. Joseph Caravans out on the highways and by-ways. And I feel your pain: among things tossed at us and our signs: black paint (caught me in the face) two daggers from a set of four (we found the container in the street), two guns pulled on us, a bunch of sharp metal pieces from an electrical equipment truck, lots of eggs, lots and lots of spit — it’s easy to manufacture), cars driven toward us at rapid speed, causing us to jump for cover, etc. We got the car guy arrested and recently took a spitter to court where she got a $100 fine. She was an attorney, and tried to get out of the charge by saying spitting was a form of free speech. Not even the judge bought that. But it’s a great life. Keep up the good work. I’d like to join your St. Joseph Caravan someday. He’s my saint! In Christ,

Yours for Life,

Joe Scheidler
National Director
Pro-Life Action League

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Just wanted to let you know that you guys are constantly in our thoughts and prayers and that we stand at your side in spirit if not in body. I think it would be inspiring to see more faces of supporters than the unhappy faces of those overcome by the enemy. May Jesus command Saint Michael and his hosts to surround you guys and protect you from danger, physical as well as spiritual. You know that Padre Pio was physically attacked by Satan in his own cell and sustained physical wounds from the encounter. This indicates that the danger is real. Without wanting to boost your ego, I must tell you that you guys are truly our 21st century martyrs in the making! Would that Catholics and Christians alike would take their cue from the TFP.

G. E., New York
Traditional men of America

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You are at the coal face in defence of morality for whatever happens in the U.S.A. has its echo throughout the world. Whenever I see you in silent vigil, or engaging in public debate, it brings tears to my eyes because of your distain for human respect, the downfall of many souls. I offer you my wholehearted support and thank the good Lord for inspiring you to stand up and be numbered amongst those precious in His sight. Go forth and proclaim that commanded by our Blessed Lord, ‘Turn away from your sin. The Kingdom of God is very near.’ May our omnipotent God bless you and may He shower many blessing upon your country because of you.

J. D., Brisbane, Australia

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Contact the Caravan

To contact the caravan, email them at [email protected]

How to Support the Caravan

If you want to help protect the sacred institution of marriage, please consider filling our van’s gas tank with fuel and keep us on the road for traditional marriage.

July 28 - Staten Island, New York

If you would like to make your contribution by mail, please send a check payable to The American TFP and mail it to:

The American TFP
P.O. Box 251
Spring Grove, PA 17362.

Financial Reports Notice

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