July 18 – Westchester Mall, White Plains, New York

“You should all have your throats slit”

It’s not always easy to be on the street defending traditional marriage. This morning, one of my TFP colleagues was confronted by a woman with purple hair and garish clothing who bluntly said: “You kids deserve to die. You should all have your throats slit.” Although the silent and overwhelming majority of Americans support God’s marriage, there are those who react in a violent fashion and have no qualms about threatening our volunteers for peacefully affirming what marriage truly is and always will be.

“It’s wrong! They’re confusing the kids”

I met an African American with a bubbly personality who lit up with the TFP’s campaign. His face was pierced with metal studs and he traveled on a skateboard. From the get go, he started convincing his friends on the sidewalk to oppose same-sex “marriage.” He said: “I don’t get it. There are men who have been married for over fifty years, and there’s not a day that honors them. Nothing. I mean, can we get some equality? Yet, homosexuality gets a parade.”

“It’s wrong. They’re confusing the kids,” he continued. “Kids are told in public schools that homosexuality is ok, but they can’t say God bless America.”

He then joined our campaign for a few minutes, encouraging cars to honk, making figure eights on his skateboard while holding one of our signs.

More honking at the intersection

Our next stop was an intersection by the Westchester Mall. The honking was steady. One man driving a white SUV kept returning over and over again just to honk for traditional marriage. When other cars gave us a thumbs down or some other obscene gesture, he would say: “Do they have a problem with you!”

July 18 - Westchester Mall, White Plains, New York

A man in a car was booing and cursing at us. Then we noticed that the driver in the car ahead of him, who supported traditional marriage, rolled down his window and said: “Give’m hell.”

After the campaign ended we went to Stop and Shop (a supermarket) to purchase some sandwiches for lunch. While in the store, a man approached one of our volunteers and said: “I know you. I was on the bus and I saw you campaigning for marriage.”

The man in the white SUV then pulled into the parking lot of Stop and Shop and found us: “You left already. I went back to the intersection to honk and couldn’t find you.”


Thank you for your continued prayers.

God bless!

Contact the Caravan

To contact the caravan, email them at [email protected]

How to Support the Caravan

If you want to help protect the sacred institution of marriage, please consider filling our van’s gas tank with fuel and keep us on the road for traditional marriage.

If you would like to make your contribution by mail, please send a check payable to The American TFP and mail it to:

The American TFP
P.O. Box 251
Spring Grove, PA 17362.

Financial Reports Notice

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