July 17 – White Plains, New York

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Downtown White Plains was a perfect location for campaign. People walked up and down the street by the Galleria shopping area and car traffic was plentiful. Our message in favor of traditional marriage reached a lot of people today. Since New Yorkers say exactly what they think, we heard many rather frank opinions, some good, others vile.

Teenagers Give Total Support to Traditional Marriage

Three young teenagers were curious to know more about the campaign and stopped for a brief conversation. After I explained why traditional marriage is so important for society and how same-sex unions are the antithesis of true marriage, one of them added: “Yes, and besides, the homosexual lifestyle is bad for your health, like AIDS and other things.” The three teenagers left with fliers in hand, paused at the intersection, listened to all the honking for traditional marriage and were delighted. They had broad smiles and gave us repeated thumbs up.

July 17 - White Plains, New York

Four other teenage boys stopped and talked with Mr. Cesar Franco on the opposite side of the street. They also agreed wholeheartedly with the TFP campaign and crossed the street chanting in unison: “No gay ‘marriage’, no gay ‘marriage’, no gay ‘marriage.'”

There was a group of people at the bus stop watching the campaign and listening to our pro-family slogans. When we paused to rest our voices, another voice was heard at the bus stop, repeating the slogans which we had shortly before chanted. We soon realized that in a short period of time someone had memorized our pro-family cries and was echoing them to everyone at the bus stop. As we can see, the campaign is expanding.

Sitting on a park bench was an older gentleman. He graciously accepted the TFP flier, 10 Reasons Why Homosexual ‘Marriage’ is Harmful and Must be Opposed, and said: “If America continues down the path that it is currently on, America will not be America anymore.”


Pro-homosexual woman assaults TFP camera man

For security reasons, our legal counsel strongly recommended that we keep a video camera ready in case of trouble. At the intersection near The Westchester Mall today there was a woman who started behaving in a confrontational manner, so Mr. Michael Shibler turned on the video camera. She first threw our flier on the ground, thus littering, and stated that our presence was offensive and disturbing to the “work environment” of her homosexual friends and wanted us to hide our signs and go away. It got worse.

Then she approached our camera man, violently grabbed his video camera and attempted to wrench it out of his hands by pushing it downward to the ground. The camera suffered a hard blow, but was not damaged, which is good because we will need it for future campaigns.

Off the sidewalk and into the fray for God’s marriage

Moments later, a mother and two children came strolling down the sidewalk. They soon decided to join our peaceful demonstration. Each child made sure their mother took a picture of them holding one of our signs. “We want to join you again if you return,” said the mother.


What is worse: Material poverty or moral poverty?

You never know what to expect on the street. Here’s a new one though: “Go build a house for the poor,” insisted one passerby. “You’re wasting your time, go help the poor.” A TFP volunteer pointed out that one can both defend traditional marriage and help the poor. One thing does not exclude the other, of course. “When society condones unnatural sin, homosexual unions, there will be more spiritual poverty and harm to the family,” added our TFP member.

Please continue to pray for us. Tomorrow, we will be going to Staten Island. Your prayers will help us face the challenges of being in the Big Apple.

Contact the Caravan

To contact the caravan, email them at [email protected]

How to Support the Caravan

If you want to help protect the sacred institution of marriage, please consider filling our van’s gas tank with fuel and keep us on the road for traditional marriage.

If you would like to make your contribution by mail, please send a check payable to The American TFP and mail it to:
The American TFP
P.O. Box 251
Spring Grove, PA 17362.

Financial Reports Notice

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