We live in a regime where things feel unsafe. People subconsciously sense insecurity when going to places, lest they fall victim to violence or attack.
It is a kind of local terrorism where rogue individuals act out their macabre fantasies and ideologies in ordinary places, whether at a political rally, a New Year’s celebration or a New York subway.
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Regardless of the immediate motivation, the perpetrators do things they know will instill terror. In this sense, they are terrorists. Their actions create a fear of living together in society. Any place where we gather can become a stage for senseless killing and bloodshed. Our civil society disintegrates when we avoid and fear association with others.
Blaming the Instruments of Terror
Liberals have long blamed these acts upon the instruments of terror. They target guns that can wreak great havoc, especially when employed in gun-free zones like schools. Ban guns, they say, and the problem will be solved.
However, the instruments of terror are no longer limited to guns. The new terrorists increasingly use knives to instill fear. The recent subway killer in New York calmly lit his victim on fire. And now, in New Orleans and Germany, these monstrous terrorists used vehicles to plow through Christmas crowds, killing and wounding larger numbers.
Everything Can Be Weaponized
Thus, banning all instruments of terror is impossible since, today, almost anything can be weaponized in the literal sense. We would need to suppress all knives, lighters and club-like objects. To be consistent, cars or pickup trucks would need to be banned under certain circumstances.
To be safe, we would have to compile and constantly update a growing list of forbidden items. To stop the hidden terrorists, the government would have to treat everyone as a potential criminal with security checks. Our society would become like living inside a gigantic airport terminal.
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Not only the instruments but the occasions of terror must be addressed. Thus, governments would have to forbid any gatherings with large numbers of people in public places, turning our nation into a giant prison.
Blaming the Terrorist
To address this situation, we need to target not the instruments of terror but the terrorists. They pull the triggers, light the matches, slash with knives or push down the accelerator. These distorted minds commit evil acts and should be isolated and punished accordingly.
However, liberals constantly prevent this from happening. They hold to the liberal dogma that claims there are no evil people out there. There are only misunderstood victims who society oppresses.
This dogma gives rise to district attorneys who refuse to prosecute crimes due to systemic biases against the alleged criminals. We witness justice systems that release criminals back into the streets to commit yet more crimes. Thieves enter stores and shoplift at will, knowing they will face no punishments.
The Need for Rules
We can blame this intolerable situation on a culture that refuses to recognize that our fallen human nature makes us capable of all sorts of evil. Therefore, we need rules, morals, laws and punishments to curb our unruly passions and tame our harmful tendencies.
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Postmodern society removes these safeguards in the name of misguided freedom. It declares that all restrictions must be lifted. This liberal dogma is reflected in a culture where children are never told no. They are never forbidden to do what they want. The seeds of disaster are sown when children are given no responsibilities, bear no suffering or take nothing to its logical consequences.
This distorted vision of reality is the formula for the mass production of these new terrorists that make our society unlivable and our streets unsafe.
It is time to say no again. Bring back God’s Law (with its Thou shalts and Thou shalt nots), which defines what is right and wrong. Punish the criminals and keep them off our streets.
We have a choice. Either heal the sick culture that produces the terrorists among us or be ready to suffer the hell of banishing anything resembling an instrument—knives, lighters or cars—or social gatherings, the occasions of terror from our daily lives.
Photo Credit: © Yaruniv-Studio – stock.adobe.com