Gathering Together at TFP’s Kansas Regional Conference

Gathering Together at TFP’s Kansas Regional Conference
Mr. Cesar talking about St. Joseph’s Caravan.

On March 7, the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) and America Needs Fatima held their annual Kansas Regional Conference at the Ramada Inn in Topeka. A group of ninety attended this information-packed event.

The day began with a presentation by TFP member Byron Whitcraft, who spoke about the doctrines and methods of Islam. Where everyone is focused on the economic crisis, many do not understand the threat posed by the pernicious doctrines of Islam and the still very real threat of Islam to Christian civilization.
After a hearty buffet luncheon, an audiovisual was shown about the life of the late, Professor Plinio Correa de Oliveira, founder of the original TFP in Brazil. The presentation was made to mark the 2008 centennial of his birth and attendees appreciated the opportunity to learn more about his life.

After lunch, Mr. Michael Drake offered a presentation with many slides about good and evil. He first showed images from nature that can be used to help man to understand the struggle between good and evil. He then applied this to individuals and events in history. Mr. Drake also used slides showing statistics and images demonstrating the evils of communism and other evil movements of history.
The final presentation was by Mr. Cesar Franco who spoke about the TFP’s Saint Joseph’s Caravan, a series of public campaigns in defense of traditional marriage in California this past September. Mr. Franco had many slides and video clips to show both the good responses and examples of “tolerance” from the opposition. Mr. Franco’s video clips were especially revealing since they demonstrated the illogical fury of those who support same-sex “marriage.”

Displays with pictures of TFP activities.
Displays with pictures of TFP activities.

After the conference ended, all were invited to the home of a local supporter for pizza and beer.This was the first of several regional conferences that will take place in many locations around the country. For more information please email us at [email protected]

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