Fatima Rosary Rallies: Could This Be The Answer?

Fatima Rosary Rallies: Could This Be The Answer?
Fatima Rosary Rallies: Could This Be The Answer?

On October 15, 2021, the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) and its America Needs Fatima campaign held its annual Public Square Rosary Rallies across America. The event is an appeal to heaven, asking for pardon and supernatural solution for the nation, as requested by Our Lady of Fatima.

A special rally was held on Fifth Avenue across from St. Patrick’s Cathedral with the participation of dozens of members and friends.

Answering the Unheeded Call

Such rallies are needed because the nation has accepted abortion, same-sex “marriage” and other immoral practices that are now legalized and socially accepted. Our Lady’s Fatima message of conversion has been ignored for over one hundred years. The predicted chastisement looms on the horizon.

For this reason, American TFP members have chosen New York City as the site of one of its most expressive rosary rallies. Big cities have become centers of debauchery and other immoral activity. It is only fitting that public reparation be done there.

The Impact of Public Prayer

Thus, American TFP members arrived in downtown Manhattan on October 15. They quickly unloaded signs, banners, an American flag, standards, bagpipes and a drum. At the center of everything was a copy of the miraculous statue of Our Lady of Fatima carried with much reverence by two TFP members in ceremonial garb.

Fatima Rosary Rallies: Could This Be The Answer?
TFP bagpipers and a drummer, all dressed in traditional Scottish kilts.

Across from the magnificent St. Patrick’s Cathedral, the rally began slightly before noon and lasted a little longer than an hour. TFP volunteers and dozens of local supporters prayed all the mysteries of the Rosary. Each set of mysteries was separated by a short hymn accompanied by TFP bagpipers and a drummer, all dressed in traditional Scottish kilts.

Eternal and Natural Law: The Foundation of Morals and Law

Before long, passersby flocked around the rally, wondering what was going on. Many slowed or stopped their brisk walking to admire the statue of Our Lady. Many took pictures, while others watched from the steps of St. Patrick’s with dumbfounded gazes. Even those who wished to appear indifferent had to make a conscious effort to do so since the inspiring gathering naturally attracted attention.

Those opposing the message also appeared. Upon reading the banner denouncing the sins of homosexuality and abortion, one man yelled and hurled insults. Others found it even harder to express themselves and were reduced to the mumbling of oaths beneath their breaths. However, their opposition was visibly weak compared to the boldness with which those participating in the rally proclaimed their “Our Fathers” and “Hail Marys.” Any impartial observer could see that the Rosary was a public victory won for Our Lady.

Fatima Rosary Rallies: Could This Be The Answer?
Those participating in the rally proclaimed their “Our Fathers” and “Hail Marys.”

Following the final mysteries, many participants took pictures and expressed gratitude to the members for organizing the rally. The joy of defending their heavenly Mother was evident in their faces. Although held in a city with crushing surroundings, this particular rally seemed to lift up the souls of those who attended. This special grace was granted by Our Lady, grateful to her children who publicly spread her message.

Could This Be the Answer?

The over-17,000 rosary rallies around the country are critical in fighting the Culture War for America’s soul. In fact, one could sense that the gravity of the rally extended beyond the recitation of the Rosary. The public gesture left seemed to strike a chord that deeply resonated with many passersby. They appeared to reflect upon the question: Could this be the answer?

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Our Lady gave the answer to this question over one hundred years ago. At Fatima, she requested the recitation of the Rosary, penance and amendment of life as the remedies for the already-decaying world. Tragically, the world has only fallen deeper into moral depravity since these apparitions.

For this reason, more action must be taken. Public and private recitation of the Rosary must be promoted. Her words must be heeded. The faithful children of Our Lady must rise and defend her in the public square. Indeed, America Needs Fatima’s Public Square Rosary Crusade truly is the answer made in heaven to many problems the nation faces.

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