Fatima Barbecue in Connecticut

Fatima Barbecue in Connecticut
Mr. Gary Isbell’s talk on spreading the Fatima message in the public sphere was well received.

In today’s world of chaos and confusion, the message of Our Lady of Fatima is a source of consolation and confidence. Although Our Lady appear to the three shepherd children in Fatima, Portugal 90 years ago, her message is more timely than ever before. But how can faithful Catholics spread her message effectively in our secular, anti-Catholic society?

That was the topic of a talk given by Mr. Gary Isbell at a festive America Needs Fatima barbecue held on June 2 in Bolton, Conn. More than 40 friends and supporters of ANF attended the third annual event.

After the praying of the rosary together, Mr. Isbell began his talk by reminding how Our Lord Jesus Christ, when he was dying on the cross, cried out in a loud voice, “I thirst!” Many theologians interpret this not to be a physical thirst, but rather a thirst for souls. Our God and Savior had an unquenchable thirst for souls, many of whom would correspond to the grace of the Redemption, and many of whom would not.

So we too should have a thirst for souls. Our Lady’s message of chastisement, prayer, conversion, and confidence is not to be locked away in a closet, but rather must shine for all the world to see. Rather than coexist with the moral corruption so prevalent in our society, we must resist it by publicly defending and proclaiming our Catholic faith.

After Mr. Isbell’s talk, the participants eagerly sat down to an excellent barbecue of beef, sausage, and chicken complete with fried vegetables, salads, and freshly baked bread, not to mention Irish beer and Portuguese wine. The children had plenty of lemonade and ice water to quench their thirst as they played games in the yard. After dinner came desert, all home-made cakes, pies, and cookies.

But the best part was the conversation, camaraderie, and genuine joy or being with like minded individuals united in faith. Most families stayed for several hours, and only as the sun began to set did people begin to leave, albeit unwillingly.

“These America Needs Fatima events are a real oasis in the desert,” Mr. Isbell commented. “Our Lady never fails to bless those who gather in her name.”

Similar events have been held in Kansas, Missouri, California, and Louisiana. Anyone interested in America Needs Fatima gatherings, please e-mail us at [email protected] or call 1-888-317-5571.

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